Dear Editor Quechua nouns Related to Biblical Hebrew and Semitic languages

Dear Editor,

This is to query your interest in an historic article that demonstrates a profound link between the ancient Quechua language (of the Incas) and Biblical Hebrew.

This article is the result of exhaustive research by a native Peruvian, Fernando Aedo, and the author of a Hebrew dictionary, Isaac Mozeson. It is not our intention to display all several hundred American Indian-Hebrew word links. This will await a book, whose publisher you are welcome to assist us in procuring. For this article, twenty sample links will suffice. [Much more available if you'd like.]

Comparative linguistics allows for several words in unrelated languages to have similar sounds and meaning by sheer coincidence, so exhibiting a multiple of this amount attests to the quantity and quality of the findings.

Dear Editor: We will leave the format of this Quechua-Hebrew data up to you. Would like the Hebrew letters printed out or transliterated for easier reading and electronic conveyance. A key can be provided where readers can know that KeLeV means Kuph-Lamid-Vav, without having to write "Kuph-Lamid-Vav." A Biblical citation can be provided to allow readers the opportunity to see the Hebrew letters and semantic context of each term. The Hebrew consonants are in Upper Case, while the (historically unimportant) vowels are in lower case.

Below are twenty examples from the several hundred bits of linguistic proof that that we have uncovered so far in proving the two ancient peoples share a common linguistic heritage. Common linguistic phenomenon seen here include metathesis, where root letters change position. This is how we know that, for example, Greek FOLIO (leaf) is related to Germanic LEAF in the same Indo-European language family. Although one is FL and the other LF, the root letters reversed position. This is no uncanny coincidence. A similar phenomenon is seen in some Quechua-Hebrew examples here, while the shifting of similar-sound letters (like C,G, H, K and Q, D and T, M and N, B, F, V and W, P, R and L, and all vowels) are even more common. Such minor shifting of space or sound, allows it to be obvious that French and Italian are related.

Looking at the words below make it as clear that Quechua and Biblical Hebrew are intimately related.

Much of the above will not be necessary if you prefer to publish only the simplest examples. Here are 20 easy ones:

Key: Quechua = (Q)            Biblical Hebrew = (H)

(Q) ALQO = n. dog. [reverse root letters].
(H) QeLeV , Koph-Lamed-Vet = n. dog; KaLBu in related Semitic dialects.

(Q) AÑU = (botanical) n. variety of oca (tuber).
(H) ANAF , Ayin-Noon-Fey = n. branch, bough.

(Q) ARPHA = adj. shadowy, having cloudy vision.
(H) ARaPHeL, Ayin-Raish-Phey-Lamed = n. thick cloud, obscuring vision

(Q) AQARWITU = small crop-destructive lizard;
(Q) [NIN]AQ'ARA scorpion.
(H) AKRaV = scorpion ; (H) AKBaR = mouse, but this is a combination from OKHeL-Bar or "grain eater," soany varmint is appropriate.

(Q) AYSANA = n. balance.
(H) A ZeeN, Aleph-Zayin-Nun = v. to balance, [M]OZÆN[aYiM] = n. scales, balance ( root is AZN). OzeN is the ear, nature's organ of balance (discovered only recently) and the OZNIA is the wide winged hawk which balances in the air currents.

(Q) CHAKA = n. bridge, thigh, leg.
(H) ShoaK, Koph-Vav-Hey = n. leg, forele

(Q) COMAS = n. hight, elevation.
(H) KoMaH, Koph-Mem-He = n. size, height, KaMaH = standing corn, KooM! = get up!

(Q) HIT'IY = v. jump from fright.
(H) HiTaH , Het-Toph-Hey = n. fear, terror.

(Q) KUNAN adj./adv. today, now.
(H) KAN, Kaph-Aleph-Nun = adv, here, now.

(Q) LLOQSIY = v. leave, go out, exit.
(H) (K)HooTS, Het-Vav-Tsadi = pro. out, HoTSI, Hey-Vav-Tsadi-Yod-Aleph = v. to take out.

(Q) MALLKU = n. lord.
(H) MeLeKH, Mem-Lamed-Khaph = n. king.

(Q) MAQAY = v. hit, fight.
(H) MaKaH, Mem-Kaph-Hey = n. knock, blow, wound.

(Q) MILLU = adj. salted.

(H) MaLuaH, Mem-Lamed-Vav-Het = adj. salty, MeLaH, Mem-Lamed-Het = n. salt.

(Q) MUTK'A = n. mortar.

(H) MiDoKHaH, Mem-Dalet-Vav-Khaph-Hey = n. mortar.

(Q) QACHA = adj. dried out, n. dried fruit or leaves.
(H) QaSHeH, Quf-Shin-Hey = adj. hard, QaSH, Quf-Shin = n. hay

(Q) QOLLANA = n. leader.
(H) KoHaiN, Kaph-Hey-Nun = priest (Cohen), chief or commander (like the non-Levites of II Samuel 8:18)

(Q) RAKA = n. womb.
(H) ReKHeM, Resh-Het-Mem = n. womb

(Q) RAPHI = n. leaf.
(H) TeRePH, Tet-Resh-Phey = n. leaf (what is in Noah's dove's mouth in Genesis 8:11)

(Q) SAMI = adj. happy, lucky, blessed.
(H) SaMeiaH, Sin-Mem-Het = adj. joyful, satisfied

(Q) WASI = n. house.
(H) BaIS, Bet-Yod-Toph = n. house (Pronouced BeTH in Beth-lehem, House of Bread)

Please note: Again,we are open to any format change you suggest that could help your readers enjoy and understand the impact of this data. Would you like more comments on the Hebrew? Biblical citations for every word? Hebrew letters or a transliteration key rather than spelling the Hebrew words out?

Thanking you for your consideration, Fernando Aedo and Isaac Mozeson