NEO-SKEPSIS, the official periodical of the Committee of Investigation of Paranormal, the Pseudo-sciences and Irrationality in Peru, publishes papers on skepticism about paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific claims.
1: Pseudosciences
2: The UFO Phenomenon
3: The Paranormal Phenomena
Send both your manuscripts for periodicals (c. 10 pages A-4 in single space) in Spanish and abstracts (about 5 lines) both in Spanish and English and a copy in a 3.5" diskette (with text processor for PC preferably) or reviews -not longer than 2 pages- by ordinary maail to:
Lic. Manuel A. Paz y Miño, Editor, NEO-SKEPSIS, El Corregidor 318, Rímac, Lima 25, Perú.
by e-mail:
Editorial Board
Editor: M. A. Paz y Miño (PJAP Publishing Assotiation)