Please note: These pages are no longer actively maintained, and have not been for years. They were mostly a hobby I took up in my undergraduate days for which I no longer have time. I hope to come back to them at some point, but for now they are sorely neglected.
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Read my professional curriculum vitae!

Or read some of my writings!

I hold a Clovis blade at the Gault Site.
Photo by D. Clark Wernecke,
from the Gault Site webpage.

My name is Marc Beherec (or more correctly Béhérec). I am a professional archaeologist, an amateur writer, and a practising Catholic. These are the three aspects of my personality that will be most reflected in these pages.

I am an M. A. Candidate in Anthropology at University of California at San Diego's. I also work as a teaching assistant in Revelle College's Humanities Writing Program at UCSD. I am an occasional worker with the Jabal Hamrat Fidan Archaeological Project.

I am a former archaeological technician. Most recently, I worked for Southwest Texas State University's Center for Archaeological Studies, digging holes at Camp Swift Texas Army National Guard Base. Before that, I worked on a survey of the proposed I-69 corridor in Mississippi for PBS&J's Austin office. Prior to that, I worked an eleven-month stint with the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin. We excavated at the Gault Site, a multi-component Clovis occupation site in Central Texas. In 2000 I worked with Foth and Van Dyke's Minneapolis office.

I'm a 2000 graduate (BA, Anthropology) of the University of Texas at Austin. In 1999 I attended an archaeological field school with the University of California at San Diego's Jabal Hamrat Fidan Archaeological Project.

I was born in 1979 on a United States Air Force base in East Anglia, England. However, I have lived in Central Texas most of my life. I am the second of four children. You may also visit my older brother Patrick's website or my younger brother Sean's website.

I'm a practising Roman Catholic. I'm a member of Our Mother of Confidence Parish in the Diocese of San Diego, California.

Some of my favourite writers include H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, W. B. Seabrook, W. B. Yeats, and T. E. D. Klein.

I enjoy receiving e-mail from people who use this page, so humour an old man and e-mail me at

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Nameless and Damned
A literary magazine in the nineteenth century use of the phrase. Please visit our website.

Religion This page includes "The Reliquary: Relics in Modern Times," my growing online collection of source documents for the study of relics, and my Catholic Mysticism page.

Writings of Marc A. Beherec. I grew up to believe that writing was important, and that everyone should want to write something worth reading. I have come to understand that I will never be one of the great writers, but I do write from time to time, and hopefully some people will enjoy some of what I have written. This page has links to stories, articles, and poems, especially those I wrote for State of unBeing and Nameless and Damned, as well as short explanations of some of my influences, inspirations, and intentions.

Archaeological fieldwork in the Middle East. Links to the webpages of active digs in the Middle East, most of which take students and volunteers.

Folks I Know.


Help stop the deaths of 1.4 million children in the US every year!

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