to my Ramadan Page!


Ramadan has been confirmed to be beginning on Tuesday night, the 5th.
The moon was not sited on Monday evening.
Yet it was sited in Florida on Tuesday night.
This is a confirmation made by the Islamic Shura Council of North America.
So, Insha-Allah the first day of fasting will be on Wednesday, the 6th.

I want to wish all of you a WONDERFUL Ramadan.
And I pray to Allah (SWT) that we all gain
the utmost reward possible during this Holy month.
(When you think about it...gaining the utmost reward is impossible...because,
SubhanAllah, there is no end to all of Allah's reward).
I also pray that may Allah help us to implement
all the patience know...all that good stuff
that we learn in Ramadan. =)
Allah humma Aameen!

Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasana
wa fil Aakhirati hasana wa qina adhab an-naar
"Our Lord! Give us good in this world
and good in the Hereafter,
and defend us from the torment of the Hellfire."

Oh Allah, let us benefit fully from this blessed month of Ramadan
this year, and all the years to come.
Allah humma Aameen!

The Blessings of Ramadhan
Ramadan: Rules and Regulations
The Moon that Divides
the above article is really really important!
The spirit of Fasting in Islam

Click Here
to check out this Ramadan card I made for all of you.

Oh yea! And please visit this cute site and take part in their annual Ramadan contest!
You can win great prizes and it's a great educational thingy.. Masha-Allah =)

And once again (because I'm so happy and excited =))..


Was-Salaamu 'Alaykum
Your sister in Islam,

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