Group picture of Morgan Bascom Hildreth, Marvin Bascom Hildreth, Lula Lee Cotter Hildreth, and Lucile Raynor Hildreth
Morgan Bascom Hildreth - born October 29, 1910, Andalusia, Covington Co., AL; died January 22, 1991, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, buried at Pine Crest Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL
Lucile Raynor Hildreth - born May 09, 1910, Parkton, Robeson Co., NC
The marriage of Morgan Bascom Hildreth to Lucile Raynor Hildreth took place March 30, 1929, Milton, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Marvin Bascom Hildreth - born December 25, 1871; died December 22, 1952
Lula Lee Cotter Hildreth - born December 13, 1873; died March 1969, Milton, Santa Rosa Co., FL
The marriage of Marvin Bascom Hildreth to Lula Lee Cotter took place September 25, 1890, Coffee Co., AL