I LOVE chocolate.
In fact, you might say I'm a chocoholic.
This page is an homage to my addiction.
A friend sent me this message:
"Chocolate Trivia"
"Nelda, do you know that chocolate is at it's best if there
is an a,e, or u in the month. Must be something like Ralph
Nader's 'Don't buy a car assembled on a Tuesday.'"
Based on this scientific information, I have determined that peak season for chocolate is December, January, and February, then August and September--but it's mighty fine the other months as well!!!
To adapt another well-known saying, the only bad chocolate is no chocolate!!!
Of course, chocolate is good for you!!!
Why else would they have a nutrition label on every chocolate bar?!
Check out the Nutrition Label for your favorite candy bar
Godiva Chocolatier - A sensuous experience
Little bits of Heaven!
Hersheys - Hugs and Kisses
Did you know?!
The founder of Hershey's was Milton S. Hershey.
He also founded a school for orphans!
They're called Hershey's Kisses
because the machine that makes them
looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt!
Snickers - "It's so Satisfying"
Nestle - "Makes the Very Best."
Chips Ahoy!
I don't know about you,
but these cookies really float my boat!
Oreo - "A kid'll eat the middle of an Oreo first..."
Cadbury's - Makes you wish every day was Easter!
Clark - "I Want a Clark Bar."
The Chocoholics Page - Great source of chocolate information.
Cloister's Chocolate Review - What are the best chocolates???
Nancy's Death by Chocolate - for more chocolate links.
Chocolate is the One True Passion
If you are a teacher trying to find information for your "chocolate unit," the following links are for you!
A cool educational chocolate site is:
Chocolate - Science Museum of Minnesota
PDF files for a thematic unit in chocolate can be found at:
MI + Chocolate = FUN!
A chocolate thematic unit using Multiple Intelligences
Chocolate Fun
Middle School Activity
Mona's The Chocolate Touch Page
Send me you favorite chocolate recipes and I will post them on my recipes page. On my recipes page, you will also find numerous links to sources for recipes for chocolate treats.
E-mail me at
Click here for my favorite Chocolate Recipes
Have fun with chocolate!
Name That Candybar
Looking for graphics of candy bar wrappers?
An excellent source is
Quasi Comprehensive Candy Bar Wrapper Image Gallery
You've got to get this book and read it.
Chocolate for a Woman's Soul
Although it has very little to do with chocolate, it will make you feel as good as a thick slice of "Seven Chocolate Cheesecake."
Available from my favorite cyber-bookstore:
Some Graphics on these pages are from:
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This page last updated December 4, 2005.