Create postcards with a biological theme geared toward second/third
grade reading ability and comprehension. Send them to students in
schools in other states/countries.
10 pts. per card; 10 cards/100 pts.
- Get blank postcards.
- Design/draw/create a picture with a biological theme for one side of
the postcard. You may use collages/computer graphics, but at
least 50% must be original hand-drawn artwork. You may use the
same theme twice, but if you create ten cards, you must have at
least 5 different themes.
- On the back of the card neatly print a paragraph related to your
artwork. You must include biological facts/concepts. You may
include personal information (such as your grade level, things you
are interested in, something about our school.) Sign with your first
name and last initial (Do not put your last name.) Try to write
toward the comprehension level of 2nd/3rd grade, but include
correct terminology.
Evaluation (per card):
- Art work (must show effort to do well, not artistic ability)
- much effort=3 pts.
- some effort=2 pts.
- little effort=1 pt.
- no effort=0 pts.
- Biological facts/concepts and spelling correct:
- correct=3 pts.
- incorrect=0 pts.
- Neatness:
- very neat=2 pts.
- neat=1 pts.
- not neat=0 pts.
- Creativity:
- creative=2 pts. (original idea)
- not creative=0 pts. (for example, copied someone else)
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