[Tefnut banner]

Hello and welcome.
I am Vicky Smith, a Priestess of Tefnut, the ancient Egyptian Goddess of Moisture and Rain.

[lotus line]

I was Chosen by Tefnut to serve Her almost 5 years ago, and haven't regretted it once.  Oh yes, I had many, many questions:  "Why me?  How could I possibly interest a Goddess?  What am I supposed to do now?"  You get the idea....I'm sure those of you reading this who have been "called or chosen" know exactly what I mean!   She has shown me the answer to many of these questions, and more.

Tefnut is a gentle Goddess whose touch is the tiny raindrop, or a tear from your eye.  I wrote the following as my "call" for Tefnut, but have found She is with me always:

"Tefnut, wise woman, goddess of rain and moisture,

you who are the clouds,
blown gently on the breath of your husband/brother Shu.

Empassioned lovers wrestling,
creating the storms of wind and rain.

Gentle, quiet guidance.....speak softly in my ear.
Whisper your words to me.

Enfold me in your comforting arms,
sharing with me your quiet strength.

Then send me back out into the world,
knowing you are always with me.

Dampen my face with your tears,
fill my heart to overflowing with your love,

Share the brilliance of your father Ra with me
in the reflected sunlight on a tiny drop of dew.

Wise council, mother's kiss
Forever in my heart, your name always on my lips."

My Lady Tefnut
This beautiful picture came from Tomb of the Chihuahua Pharoahs

[lotus line]

It is very hard to put into words how I feel about Tefnut. She is my mother, my best friend, my confidant, and more. When you stop and think that every time it rains, that's Tefnut. A waterfall, the flowing river, a still pond, that tiny drop of dew on a flowers leaf or petal, the sweat on your brow, a thick misty fogbank that blocks everything from view, the tiny delicate snowflake, or the tears from your eyes....all of that is Tefnut. She is moisture, in any form.

I use rose incense or potpourri on my altar for Tefnut. I have a tiny lioness statuette in Her honor also. There have been times when I haven't "heard" Tefnut speak to me, and whenever that happens, it usually rains! I live in the desert, so rain is usually a rarity here. It is Her way of letting me know that even if I can't hear Her, She is with me. So next time you are caught in a sudden shower, it might just be Tefnut, sending you Her love.

[lotus line]

I practice my beliefs in what I call "Tameran Wicca" which really just means I used the forms and styles of traditional wicca, but replace the God and Goddess with the ancient Egyptian Deities (Netjer) I have come to know so well.

I use Geb in the North, Shu and Tefnut in the East, Bast and Sekhmet in the South, Anpu in the West. And of course, Hapi, Damutef, Quebesenof and Imset are always invited!

I am co-founder of the House of the Obsidian Phoenix.....I am pagan, and happy with my life.

[lotus line]

[Shu and Tefnut]
Shu and Tefnut
Taken from an image in Ellen Cannon Reed's Invocation of the Gods book

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[Netjeru Crossings Award of Spirituality]

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[lotus line]

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