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Last updated on April 10th, Second Sunday after Easter

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"To abandon a liturgical tradition which for four centuries stood as a sign and pledge of unity in worship, and to replace it with another liturgy which, due to the countless liberties it implicitly authorizes, cannot but be a sign of division -- a liturgy which teems with insinuations or manifest errors against the integrity of the Catholic Faith -- is, we feel bound in conscience to proclaim, an incalculable error." (Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, The Ottaviani Intervention)

"Just as it is licit to resist the Pontiff that aggresses the body, it is also licit to resist the one who aggresses the souls or who disturbs civil order, or, above all, who attempts to destroy the Church. I say that it is licit to resist him by not doing what he orders and preventing his will from being executed. However, it is not licit to judge, punish, or depose him, since these are acts proper to a superior."
(St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church)

Instaurare omnia in Christo

The Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre

The Campos Profession of Faith

Our Lady of Fatima

The Only Way to Heaven

The Society of St. Pius X: Who are we? What are we doing?

Where is Catholic obedience today? -- Not where you might think...

An Open Letter to the Holy Father by H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX

Why the traditional Latin Mass? Why not the New? 62 reasons why.

A Theological and Canonical Study of the 1988 Episcopal Consecrations
This is a series of articles which appeared the Angelus English-Language edition of SiSiNoNo. It consists of two studies -- one theological and one canonical -- regarding the "state of necessity" invoked by Archbishop Lefebvre to justify his consecration of four bishops on June 30, 1988.

Theological Study -- Part I

Theological Study -- Part II

Canonical Study -- Part I

Canonical Study -- Part II

Canonical Study -- Part III

Canonical Study -- Part IV

Canonical Study -- Part V

Questions and Answers on the Society of St. Pius X by H.E. Bishop Richard Williamson, SSPX

Is the Society of Saint Pius X Schismatic? Excommunicated? Rome says No
Can anyone go to their Latin Masses? YES

Indiana Diocesan Bulletin Announcement Regarding the Society of Saint Pius X

Bishop Zipfel attacks the Society of Saint Pius X

"We must not waver; We may not compromise." by Archbishop Lefebvre

An interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Sedevacantism versus the Society by H.E. Bishop Richard Williamson, SSPX

Luther's Mass in comparison to the New Mass by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Evolution: The Great Fairy Tale for Grown-ups by John Vennari

NFP -- What should Catholics think about it?

The Society of St. Peter (FSSP) is good...right?

In the Heat of Battle by Fr. Malachi Martin

Is the charismatic movement truly Catholic?

Bishop Lazo's Profession of Faith

Medjugorje -- A False Apparition

Some thoughts on Tradition

Letter of St. Athanasius to his flock

Lovest thou Peter? by Michael Matt

A heretical Pope? by Michael Davies

Thanks to Ecumenism by John Vennari

Quo Primum Tempore of Pope St. Pius V

On Abortion and Contraception by Dr. David Allen White

When and Why I returned to the Old Mass by Gerry Matatics

Is the New Mass valid or pleasing to God by John Thomson

Is Vatican II Infallible or being Misinterpreted? by John Thomson

Against the Sedevacantists:
Regarding the Theory that the Chair of St. Peter is Vacant
by Wayne Nichols

A Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass signed by Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci

The following are links to external articles.

An Open Letter to Confused Catholics by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Vocations: Priestly and Religious Communities of Catholic Tradition

Cardinal Siri's Condemnation of Women wearing Pants

On Communion in the Hand and Similar Frauds by Michael Davies>

Harry Potter and the Problem of Good and Evil by Dr. Marian T. Horvat

Fast Food is Protestant by Dr. Marian T. Horvat

A Canonical Study: The Validity of Confessions and Marriages in the chapels of the Society of St. Pius X
by Fr. Ramon Angles, SSPX

A short biography of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre by Fr. Ramon Angles, SSPX

A history of the International Priestly Society of St. Pius X from 1970 to 1995 by Fr. Ramon Angles, SSPX

Is Sedevacantism Catholic?

Concerning a Sedevacantist Thesis

Problems, Causes, Remedies by Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX

"All these changes have but one justification: an aberrant, senseless ecumenism that will not attract a single Protestant to the Faith, but will cause countless Catholics to lose it, and will instill total confusion in the minds of many more who will no longer know what is true and what is false." (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre)

"It is obvious that the New Order of Mass has no intention of presenting the Faith taught by the Council of Trent. But it is to this Faith that the Catholic conscience is bound forever. Thus, with the promulgation of the New Order of Mass, the true Catholic is faced with a tragic need to choose." (Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, The Ottaviani Intervention)

"The excommunications, though invalid, sadden me because it shows the lamentable state in which the human part of the Church finds itself. It shows the intensity of the aversion the actual members of the hierarchy feel against what the Church has always done. When they ask forgiveness of the worst enemies of the Church, the Lutherans, the Anglicans, the Jews, they remove from their communion the truest sons of the Holy Church!" (Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer)

"We therefore choose to keep our Faith and we cannot be mistaken in clinging to what the Church has taught for two thousand years. The crisis is profound, cleverly organized and directed, and by this token one can truly believe that the master mind is not a man but Satan himself. For it is a master-stroke of Satan to get Catholics to disobey the whole of Tradition in the name of obedience." (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre)

If you would like to join a traditional Catholic e-mail List which distributes the newsletters of SSPX priests several times a month, please send a blank e-mail to tradlist-SUBSCRIBE@yahoogroups.com

The following are highly-recommended links to other traditional Catholic web sites on the Internet:


DICI -- SSPX news, bi-monthly online
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Tapes
A directory of all the chapels of the Society in the United States
Ways to contact the Society via letter, phone, fax, or e-mail
Letters of Bishop Richard Williamson, SSPX

Apostolates of the SSPX

SSPX's General House in Menzingen, Switzerland

Society of St. Pius X Africa
Society of St. Pius X America
Society of St. Pius X Asia
Society of St. Pius X Australia & NZ
Society of St. Pius X Austria
Society of Saint Pius X Canada
Society of Saint Pius X Central America
Society of Saint Pius X Chile
Society of Saint Pius X Czech Republic
Society of Saint Pius X Dominican Republic
Society of Saint Pius X France
Society of Saint Pius X Germany
Society of Saint Pius X Holland
Society of Saint Pius X Ireland
Society of Saint Pius X Italy
Society of Saint Pius X Lithuania
Society of Saint Pius X Mexico
Society of Saint Pius X Poland
Society of Saint Pius X Silesia
Society of Saint Pius X South America
Society of Saint Pius X Switzerland
Society of Saint Pius X UK

Pacte(French publication of the SSPX)

Houses of Formation

Holy Cross Seminary, SSPX Seminary in Goulburn, Australia
International Seminary of St. Pius X Econe, Switzerland
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, SSPX Seminary in Winona, Minnesota, USA

Schools of the SSPX

St. Mary's Academy and College
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Don Bosco Gymnasium, Germany

Traditional Catholic Literature

Angelus Press
IHS Press -- Dedicated to Catholic Social Teaching
The Immaculata Bookstore
TAN Books

SSPX-affiliated religious orders

Benedictines of Bellaigue, France
Benedictines of the Monastery of the Holy Cross, Brazil
Benedictines of Silver City, New Mexico, USA
Capuchins of Morgon, France
Dominicans of Avrille, France
The Poor Clares
Transalpine Redemptorists, Scotland

SSPX (or affiliated) chapels and/or priories

Child Jesus and St. Joseph Catholic Church, Sydney, Australia
Our Lady of Fatima, Richmond VA
Precious Blood Retirement Residence, Old Levis, Canada
Saint Eloi, Bordeaux, France
Saint Isidore the Farmer, Denver CO
La Porte Latine: Saint Joan of Arc Priory, Bergerac, France
Saint Pius X Priory and Retreat House, Quebec, Canada


The Fatima Crusader

Fatima Perspectives

The 1917 Code of Canon Law
The Baltimore Cathechism
The Catholic Encyclopedia
The Douay-Rheims Bible Onlne
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
The Vincent McNabb Society
The Vulgate

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