It simply means they've stopped searching.
How often we squander our greatest gift...
And what is our greatest gift? Our mind! Our ability to observe, reason and think. Do you think? I don't mean do you have thoughts, I mean do you think? All too often we allow ourselves to adopt simplistic, one-word labels (liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat) and then use these identities as an alternative to actual thought, reason and debate in our participation with the world around us.These pages are dedicated to the (somewhat) lost art of the mind - that is,
using our minds to explore and interact with this marvelous universe in which we reside. All who seek to broaden their perspectives and expand their minds are welcome here, as are all viewpoints. All I ask is that people be prepared to defend their views and their reasoning processess as a way of jointly broadening our minds and critical thinking skills by exercising them in stimulating discussions.
It has been said that fools argue and intelligent people discuss. All who wish to discuss or debate, whatever their beliefs, are welcome. (But don't be surprised if you are asked to build and defend a valid argument supporting your position!)
Don't neglect philosophy and critical thinking. Rather, make them a crucial part of your life. The easy road is the wrong road, for if you squander your right to find your own way in life and to see the universe in all its glory, you will have made your life so much less full than it could have been. Don't follow someone else's path, be they a politician, a general or a Jesus. Always think for yourself, for you are not a Clockwork Orange.
[This page is dedicated to all who would rather question than be told -- who are willing to give up the security of accepting someone else's answers for the extraordinary freedom of the unfettered life.]
"I do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old. I seek the things they sought."
There are no valid arguments for legalizing drug abuse...
and extensive arguments against legalization
Does absolute faith in God preclude a Christian from demonstrating moral character?
My views on free will -- written in the language of the book and film "A Clockwork Orange"
An essay on the 1960s TV show "Gilligan's Island" by Lewis Napper. Read this, and you will never watch Gilligan's Island in quite the same way again.
Back when traditional family values meant something... lessons from the Homeplace
Readers are invited to respond by e-mail to the Critical Thinking essays. Responses will be published with the essays. Please note: There will be no critiques or criticisms by me of your response. I've had my say, now it's your turn. Future readers can make up their own minds about who - if anyone - is right or wrong.
May I suggest you visit the Tibetan Government in Exile page.
Save Tibet!
My 13-year-old son's page. Full of video game links, anime, homework resources, and lots of other teen and kid stuff!
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rather, go among the silly people, and rejoice."
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