Fresh Out Of Mercy

I am fresh out of mercy
Numbed with coldness
Injected into my blood by you
Flowing through my veins
Apathetic to your torture
Indifferent to the festering drippage of blood
I can Not care about your pain anymore
Since I breath pain with every breath
Life itself drains the peace out of time
Until dissolved
Once a giant star,
Now collapsed at the heart
Gravity has overcome everything
Crushed into nothing
Black hole of infinity
Chaotic destruction
Coldness forced into my heart by you
Onto everything
Serendipitous devastation
Commenced by you and finished by me
So do Not ask for love
You ravished it
Do Not ask for forgiveness
You deserve your pain
So you have to deal with it
Your hollowness emptied me
I am
Fresh out of mercy
You have to live your life
-Todd E. Jones
September 1, 1999