Those god-damned annoying christians!

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Draconis Blackthorne's Shadomantium

Misanthropy / Philosophy / Religion

The Devil's Diary
Those god-damned annoying xians!

It happens when you least expect it. There you are, whatever you are doing, minding your own business, at school or work, having been responsible & courteous, when all of a sudden, some annoying lowlife approaches & begins barking his or her mythology, assuming, in their supreme ignorance & presumptuousness, that you too adhere to their delusions.

They are clearly mentally disabled, having no proper social consideration, for a total stranger who desires not to know them, much less be harassed by such zealotry.

Such presumptuousness & pomposity equates to nothing more than an attack. An accost. Of which should be returned with merciless indignation. Clearly a case of misdirected masochism. Approaching one who aesthetically, mentally, & emotionally embodies the archetype of the villain, with the intent of conversion, & with the subconscious hope of being SMASHED into dust to become pitiful martyres for their dying cause. The Satanist is not so charitable. As a true sadist who gleefully afflicts incapacitating pain upon his/her would-be detractors, he cruelly chuckles it off, rendering their meager, impotent actions more so, by not even aknowledging the statement. All the while recognizing their basis in fictional faerie-tales, & the propagation of delusions such as invisible friends like "jesus".

To rise up & smash them on the nose, or even berate them with undefiled wisdom, which would not sink into their thick, befuddled, brain-washed skulls anyway, would be pointless solipsism, & furthermore, a waste of energy. Plus, that would only grant credence to their false claims, deriving a reaction from one, thus granting them pleasure in the knowledge that they derived a rise out of you, with a smirk to boot.

Then they would be contented, fantasizing that they have taken their lumps for jesus, granting them heaven points, & sharing the supposed burdon of their saviour. No, that would only empower them. They must be made to feel like the complete failures they are. Their inherant inferiority impressed deeply into them, that they may feel their uselessness. Thus, they will have accomplished nothing, & will thereby doubt themselves, ushering in the deepest, most profound pain of all-----the fear that they have somehow displeased their god, that they are unworthy.

In essence, they didn't get one over on you! So insignificant are they, that you merely dismiss their foolishness without batting an eye! Such is the essence of omnipotence.

Of course, needless to state, but to avoid any misunderstanding, if physically challenged, make quick work of them.

Assert your superiority, without bending to their manipulations. Thus, you will be the empowered one, as they run to their crutch & hide behind the cross.


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