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I'm very fond of cats. My cat is called Flossy. She is quite young but not a kitten.
She is very pretty with her black and white fur and her green eyes. She is clever and
very clean! Flossy arrived at our house one sunny afternoon in June. At first she
wandered into the garden with a fear in her eyes, but after a while we became friends
and that friendship grew into attachment! I look after Flossy and she is happy and
enjoys her life. She shows no intention of moving. I am delighted with my sweet cat!
In our house lives also our adorable poodle called Blondie. When Flossy first arrived,
Blondie had problems to get used to her and was very jealous! Now are friends, they
enjoy each other's company and they play around the garden. This is something  which gives a great pleasure to me  watching them doing so many funny and crazy things!
Oh, I love them so much!

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(photo is copyright © Betternot 1998)

Hi! Moe... 

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(photo is copyright © Betternot 1998)

This is Moe, famous for his beauty!
Moe's master, adores him and all the time is concerning,
petting and playing with him. A very strong bond has
grown between those two and Moe knows to give 
the affection, the unconditional love and the pleasure
he gets from his master, back in double!


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Floss' friends, which belong also to our family, are:
Blondie the poodle, Rocky the collie, fishes,
chickens and some more small animals that live
in peace at our ranch "Hara" and give us the pleasure
and the happiness animal's presence and love offer to people.
A unique relation of affection and respect. A strong bond that
never disappoints, betrays or let us down.
Only their loss can hurts us... never their presence


cat03.gifSend me e-mail, pls! I love to hear from you!

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