Find a way to my heart and I'll always be with you!

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Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."--Mother Theresa--


Love is God's gift. True love is a precious feeling that gives meaning in our life... Sharing this feeling and showing our love, we can be better persons and make this world more "Human"...
All world's gold is useless when we are alone. Love is what gives value in our life... My heart has accept with gratitude this gift, for the happiness I get loving my family, my friends, people that are around me, even those who are beyond me... Known and unknown... For the joy I get opening in mornings my window, smiling to the life that
spread in front of my eyes... The joy I get loving simple, ordinary things... Loving and caring people who need me, trying to give them help in any possible ways, courage and hope... Cry when they're crying... Feel happy when they're happy... For the joy I get loving my friends and trying to be always there for them... for the relief and the consolation I get back from them in my hard and troubled times...


It is only a tiny rosebud, a flower of God's design,
But I cannot unfold the petals with these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers, is not known to such as I,
The flower God opens so sweetly, in my hands would fade and die.
I cannot unfold a rosebud, this flower of God's design,
Then how can I have wisdom, to unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust Him for His leading, each moment of every day
And I'll look to Him for His guidance, each step of the pilgrim way.
For the pathway that lies before me, my heavenly Father knows
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments, just as He unfolds the rose.

(author unknown)

The essential sadness is to go through life without loving.
But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world
without ever telling those you loved that you love them

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...Where the land meets the skies. Where angels,
birds, animals and human beings, live in peace...

There is a place...

There is a place, called "Hara" (means joy). I think my family is blessed to own a place like this. Hara is only few miles away from our house in the city, located in a small hill, having the city in her feet, in a panoramic view, and takes the area of 9 acres of fertile land...

There are hundreds of fruitful and all other kind of trees... Walnut, pistachio and exotic-fruit trees, as well... Hara is hunting protected area, where birds, rabbits and other small animals always find a safe place to hide and we, the pleasure to enjoy living with hem... There are also my mother's plants... geraniums, lilies, violets and boukamvilleas, my roses too, as well as many pretty wild flowers...

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A big cistern with water-lilies and fishes... the swimming pool with its clear blue water, not only for us to use it, but for the swallows too, which are so charming, watching 8-10 of them each time, landing in the water and then flying away, to all directions shaking their wings and making circles just above our heads, until their next landing in the pool... and the kiosk with the climbing jasmines, which fill the air with their marvelous smell, is next to the pool, offering cool shadow to the family and its friends to rest or have a cold drink... a fresh lemonade is always waiting on the white table! At the other side of the pool, is our country house with its white walls, red tiles, and the pretty climbing roses... yellow, white and red... In front of our house, in the middle of a green grass carpet, a beautiful fountain of stone is sprouting water from the mouth of a dolphin which a boy holds in his arms! Just here, you can find me, laying on the grass and hear me laughing, while watching Blondie (my little poodle) running after the chickens and them running and flying like crazy... hahaha! Hara, is a place where some one can find everything he wants... Summer time lasts for more than 7 months and Winters are never too cold... The week-ends the place is full of friends coming to join us, anytime... Hara's doors are open and good friends are always welcomed. Saturday nights are never quiet!! Ooh, yes! Music on at full volume, dancing around the pool... the famous Hara's parties that usually end late at night (or...early in the morning!) with a refreshing dive in the pool...

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Hara, is also the place of the absolute quiet and peace... There are some unique Summer nights that you can only hear the noise of the water and some low sounds from beetles and crickets, Then, seems that land and sky are one... down, the lights of the city like small stars,make a perfect union with the real stars and you in the middle of this can touch the sky and the stars can hear your whisper... you smell the fragrance from roses and jasmines and you can leave your heart fly free... those special moments you can feel the angels, you can make questions and you can get answers... Is where I can easy find myself when life shows me her ugly side, when I have to take serious decisions. For me, is the the only place, that is so close to the sky...

Some unique Summer nights, that my heart touches the skies and plays with the angels... moments that give me the courage and the strength to carry on... fill my heart with love and peace... and it's amazing me, lately, how through pain, fears and tears, I could come out so strong and smiling to a new life... a better future... I really love this place... Hara makes me always dreaming... and gives me the power to fight for these dreams... reach my goals. Hara, itself, is a place where dreams come true...

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