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I like and I enjoy many things in my life... Smiling faces, jokes
between friends, listening to my favorite music, while I'm relaxing
or dreaming... I love dancing, traveling around the world to see new places, meet people, learn about their customs and habits, I love
long walks under the moon and the starlight, laying on the grass at "Hara", sometimes dreaming, other times staring at the stars, enjoying hot summer nights swimming in my pool, playing with my pets, reading good books... but my favorite, that fills my heart with
joy is, to learn as much as I can about Greek history and discover every corner of this dreaming land! My beloved country

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GREECE! Land in paradise! The perfect place for anyone who wants  to live enjoying every minute of his life! For more than nine months a year the weather is great... days are lightening with a brilliant sun in a clear blue sky... the sea is crystal clear and waters are deep blue... beaches with warm golden sand... green forests and breath taking sunsets!! Old and new cities make the scenery more beautiful, more interesting and the imagination running back in
ancient ages and  civilizations... Greeks shake hands, embrace and kiss at the first and every meeting. Greek hospitality is sincere, incredibly generous, and sometimes overwhelming. Hospitality and smiling faces in every step, great night life, pretty traditional villages in the country area and emerald islands! That's my beautiful country. Greece... I love you soooo much!!!


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Olympic Games are coming back to the country they were
born thousands years ago...back to the right place...where
they belong!!


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Athens 2004, the Olympic City
Those, who will be the "lucky ones" (and will be millions)
to watch the Games in Athens, I bet that will never
forget such a great and unique experience!
A superior spectacle, that only the land which has born
Olympic Games, knows and can offer!




FLYING *S* One thing that really amuses me and gives me the sense of the absolute freedom, is to fly a light aircraft. Well, I'm still training but I can give you some details about my hobby. Within an hour you can be handling the controls of a light aircraft. After your instructor has given you details on
the aircraft, its controls and where you are going to fly, you take off and
climb to around 2000ft. You will then be allowed the chance to fly the
plane itself. Not to worry. As when you learn to drive, the instructor has
a set of controls too. An hour's lesson which costs about 95 pounds, counts towards a private pilot's license if, like many people, you find that you want
to take up flying seriously. So if anyone, like me, fancy being a bird, this
could be the nearest thing to it!



PARACHUTE JUMPING! Some of my friends dare! And the way they speak about this experience amazes me every time I hear them talking. As they use to say... Jumping from an aircraft may not be everyone's idea
for fun, but if this is what you fancy, there is no excitement like it. And if you can raise money for charity by doing it, your jump could be free. You don't need a great deal of physical fitness but the training leading up to it requires that you be normally fit. Training involves practicing the correct body
position for landing, and emergency drills. Another fan activity in the sky,
is sky-diving, which involves jumping from an aircraft and falling a long way before opening the parachute. Tandem skydiving-jumping from the plane attached to an experienced instructor-requires only basic training, whereas attempting a solo jump requires months of practice.


In my next pages I will try to introduce you my beloved country Greece,
by giving you some details about her history, how was the "shape" of democracy, when was first created in Greece, that precious gift we gave
to the whole world! I'll try to show you through pictures her beauty, and
I'll tell you some myths, from the Greek mythology. Enjoy them!


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Greek Mythology



|| Home Page || Introduction || My Interests || Greece || Athens ||
|| Greek Islands || Cyprus || Greek Mythology-The gods || Athena || Oedipus ||
|| Orpheus || Pandora || Olympic Games || Friendship || Sweets for... ||
|| Feelings || A Smile for You || Wisdom || Proverbs || Quotes ||
|| They said... || Points of view || Cats || Music || My Links || My Awards ||
|| My WebRings || Romance || LOTH || My Gallery || Skies || Always ||
|| My favorite poems || Whispers of heart || Traces of Soul || Pieces of Soul ||
