
Hello!! I'm so glad that you make it to my page!
My name is Anna and this is my cozy place, where
I like to spend some time among things I'm interesting in...
Things that amuse me and have meaning to me...!

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Before you begin your visit around my pages, I'd like
to tell you few things about what you're gonna see and
read here. What my cozy place looks like, my interests,
things I like to do. I built this page with several subjects, so my guests can have the chance to find the one that interests them
and same time, enjoy their visit and my other subjects.

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Check out the page about my Interests, my hobbies and what I like most, 'cause it's an easy way to help you get knowing me, to understand who is this person that will be your hostess for as long as you'll stay here, the way I think, the way people, things, events, influence my mind, my feelings, my life. After all, this is my web page built with much love and it's natural the content to express absolutely me! If there are any of you my dear guests, who share same interests, thoughts, hobbies with me, then the purpose of the existence of this site is done! *smiles*

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Greece is my sweet country, you can read a few things about it and discover what God's "good mood" can create!!! Learn about Democracy and what is the real meaning of Liberty for Greeks. You can see ancient Greek monuments and also can take a visual trip around the beautiful Greek Islands.

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For those who love the Greek Mythology are the following pages, where you can read about the 12 gods of Olympus, the goddess Athena, the tragic story of Laius and his son's Oedipus, Pandora's doings, the sad story of Orpheus and his wife Eurydice, also where and how Olympic Games were born. The 9 Muses as well as the evil sea spirits Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis are my last additions.

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There is a pretty island called Cyprus, located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Read and figure out who/what keeps divided this small island for 24 years now.

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Poetry brings peace into my soul and mind. Here are Poems I love to read and some I wrote. Writing poems, for me is like painting a picture, using colors from the heart, 'cause I think that each poem express feelings and thoughts, which the author can't or don't dare to say directly, to his inspiration source.

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Words of Wisdom, some times show us the way to solve problems, take right decisions and usually are the perfect way for someone to start his day. In the same section you can read Quotes from famous and wise man, also some good advice about life. Enjoy them!

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In my pages about Friendship, Feelings, a Smile for You, I'm sure you'll find things that interests you. In my Romance page you can see my photo *s* and in my Passion page are few of my 'love' poems. Check 'em out!

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Oh... Music! What our life would be without it! In my Music page, you will find out which are the midi files you listen while surfing on in my pages and you'll have the chance to listen or copy some of the best midi's on the Net, which are in my collection.

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Do you like pets? Read about my cute Flossy and her friends!

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In my second H/page there is My Gallery and you can go there directly from here and from all my other pages, too. You can find backgrounds, tile and bordered, 'lake' and 'Snow' applets, many graphics for your pages, animation and a golden GIF collection. There are also few pages with HTML tips and tricks, instructions how to make 'lake and 'Snow' applets. Any time you need help about backgrounds, HTML, if you have any comments or requests, please feel free and contact me.

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More places to go while visiting my site are also, my WebRings,
the pages with the Awards I've won, which makes me so proud and honored! Interesting point is my Links page, where you can find
Sites with great content, free stuff, and many useful addresses
for free software, graphics, cards, etc. Find out who's Alfie and
how we met.

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There is an 'Awards program', with 8 awards for 8 different categories. These awards, are not just given out, it's very difficult to win them. You can nominate your site or your friend's site(s) for one or more awards. Do it now! You may be the next winner of my beautiful awards!

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I started my Holiday pages. So far there are Christmas,
Valentine's day and Easter pages. More in progress.

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You are visitor
Since October 28th, 1997

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Updates and new stuff are at least every week.
So... don't stay away for long.
Come back soon!!! *Smiles*
This page was last updated on 03/03/1999

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I Am A Proud Member Of:

The Official Seal Of The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence

The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal

Phenomenal Women Of The Web

I'm a proud member of
Visit my LOTH page

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I read
Athens City Times

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|| Home Page || Introduction || My Interests || Greece || Athens ||
|| Greek Islands || Cyprus || Greek Mythology-The gods ||
|| Athena || Oedipus || Orpheus || Pandora || Olympic Games ||
|| Friendship || Sweets for... || Feelings || A Smile for You ||
|| Wisdom || Proverbs || Quotes || They said... || Points of view ||
|| Cats || Music || My Links || My Awards || My WebRings ||
|| Romance || LOTH || My Gallery || Skies || Always ||
|| My favorite poems || Whispers of heart || Traces of Soul ||
|| Pieces of Soul ||

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