Heilsa All!!

A short wile ago our kindred was accepted by the High Wita of the OR-Vinland as a Hearth AOR-V.  This was exciting news for all of us in our small Hearth as our aspirations are high and being a part of the growth of the Rite is a fantastic step toward the new awakening.  Our Hearth has 5 members currently, myself, Gretta, Gunnar, Signi, and Kat (Kathryn).  We are all dedicated, Folkish, Odinists with an intense love of Folk and Faith.  I am working toward completion of the Gothi program so as to complete our association as full Hearth OR.  Since our acceptance we have performed the Winter Finding Blot and the Einheriar Blot from the Book of Blotar.  We have also begun a study group based around the work in Odinic Mythology.  This work has offered a new insight on our Mythology to all of us and we hope to expand this group to some well chosen folk in the future.  We have a web site which is being updated as often as possible http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/3687/index.html .  We hope to expand our outreach program and hope for any and all ideas on how best to do this from our comrades within the Rite.  We would all like to extend our gratitude to Osferth and all the Witan Reeve for the opportunity to serve the Rite in the capacity of Hearth AOR-V.  I firmly believe that we will benefit the Rite as it benefits us all and I look forward to many years of growth and enlightenment.

FFF-Sig Wunjo
Hail the Rite-Hail the new awakening!!

Heimdall AOR-V