We in our Hearth have seen a disturbing phenomena grip
some of our stalwart brothers, and sisters, in Faith lately. There
has been much activity in many small splinter groups and reenactment clubs
that have drawn some to stray down a path of what I perceive as self destruction.
Much of the damage has stemmed from splintering our Aryan ancestry into
small slivers of it’s former greatness and breaking our pantheon of Gods,
and Goddesses, into localized deities with a variety of names. The
core of our beliefs center around the common ancestry we share and the
part our Gods play in our continued growth. The groups named above
counteract this belief in that they instigate a fracturing of our folk
so often seen in our past. Many of these groups are cosmopolitan
in their makeup and have little, or no, interest in preserving our Folk
or our long history in faith to our Gods. While the idea of partaking
in ceremonies to a dimly, or wrongly, perceived God that was once worshipped
by a Norman ancestor can be entertaining we must look deeper into the whole
of our Faith. Our Folk have traveled many paths and made many mistakes,
as any great achievers must, but if we lose sight of what binds us, in
our blood and spirit, we have shattered the mighty Ash and shamed our ancestral
soul for a momentary titillation. What concerns me most of
all is that our chosen religious leaders are not questioned, or at least
consulted, about how our Faith applies to our various Aryan ancestral lines.
Many are embarrassed to ask since much Dogma is often expressed but without
a questing one cannot progress. Many will disagree and see
as harmless this splintering but I feel it is a serious threat to our growth
and solidarity as a Folk community. Odinism is our past, present,
and our hope for the future. Before one even contemplates an abandonment
of our ancestral Faith for something new I urge a deep consultation with
a leader in our faith you respect and an honest assessment of the reasons
behind the desire. Fare with our Gods and know that they Fare with
FFF-Sig Wunjo-Hail the new Awakening!!
Heimdall AOR-V