My Personal Yule Blot (98)

Heilsa all!

I journeyed into the Cascade Range on the 20th this year for my Yule Blot.  This ceremony is
apart from our Hearth celebrations as it is a personal honoring of times past but never forgotten.
A time of death but also life anew as I awakened to what was within us since time immemorial.
As I grow older this ceremony takes on an ever increasing importance to me both spiritually and
as a challenge.  I have often been told that a simple Blot, performed at any location, would be
more than adequate and hold the same inner meaning.  I can only say that I strongly disagree.
The Gods honor the strivings of our Folk and to seek an easier way is not a Tru way.  This spot
holds immeasurable importance to me.  The way is hard but if I can I must.  When, and if the
time comes I am unable to physically make it I must resign myself to the spot within myself as I
know it well.  Until then I'll drag the old decrepit bod up there ;).

I left for the drive far before the sun made it's appearance and arrived as far as I could 4 wheel it
just as it broke over the horizon.  I took my small pack with my ritual elements, broad hatchet,
and emergency kit and began my climb.  The skies were crystal clear but the snow was deep
and the air was like gaseous ice.  The winds were stronger than I remember and the snow like
powder.  While I had some difficulties last year due to Ice they were worsened this year
because the snow covered much of the slickness on the rocks.  As I was climbing the last bit a
chunk of rock broke off under my hand and I fell about 10 feet and landed on my left shin.  As I
got up pain shot through my leg and I thought I had broken it.  When I pulled the pants leg up
there was a bloody mess but it turned out to be just a chipped shin bone.  It still hurt like a bitch
for a few hours through.  I made it on up and rested for a little bit before unpacking my gear.

This year the ground was completely covered by fairly deep snow and I had to do some clearing
before I could locate my stone marker and basically scrape an area for my small fire.  The
ceremony is very similar to last year but I made some changes for various reasons and I had no
mead this year so I brought a flask of Guinness.  I must admit that a master of mead I am not.  I
brought some Oak chips for Runes along with my special Birch ones to do a small ceremony for
a friend.

To begin my Blot I face a stone marker inscribed with the Elhaz Rune I raised my ritual hammer
and recite:

Hail Heimdall, Guardian of the path of the Gods.  I stand before you as one with our folk in
blood and bone.  I have striven for the path demanded of me and have not faltered in duty or
deed.  Nothing is forgotten and more imparted each turning.  Through deed only may be honor
gained, through honor only may a deed be judged.  Though dishonor abound I stray not from
the path and associate not with those of dishonor.  Your example of protection and unceasing
watch flow within me as the blood of our folk.  For the awakening of the past to the watch of
the future I thank you.  As the wheel turns a new cycle I look to the new year with hope of an
ever widening enlightenment of our folk.  Progression breeds dissent and I stand firm before you
to face all attack without loss of spirit.

(I build a fairly substantial fire with the wood I brought and some dead tree material I cut with
my broad ax.  I usually only have a small one but it is too cold for that)

I take a circular birch chip I have prepared with the Elhaz rune from my tree out back and begin
my honoring to the Gods.

By my folks blood I bind this rune to you Heimdall, by blood and fire I return it's essence to the
Gods from whence it sprang. ( I take the dagger and draw blood to the rune and place it in the
fire).  Hail Odin, through your sacrifice our folk have gained the knowledge of the runes.  As
those before have done, I offer thanks and pledge to honor the purpose and heritage of the
Runes.  Let none but the folk touch the blooded rune
as fire consumes all but the essence untouchable by mortal flesh.  As one who went before has
done, I pledge to battle in honor for our own regardless of cost or loss.  Through shadow falls
light and paths form ever clearer amongst webs of deceit.  Your enemies are mine as mine are
yours.  Through honor we battle through blood we triumph.

(At this point I often blood a partial set of runes for a questing but this varies greatly so will be
omitted.  This was done this year but it was a very private thing and probably of little interest to
any but those who know me.)

Hail *****, through your actions I found my path, through your courage I knew mine,  though
you have passed to Valhalla your presence and spirit remains strong on midgard and within
myself.  Our folk require strength, valor, and honor.  Your sacrifice embodies them all and sets
an example for future actions.  It was with great honor I recalled your sacrifice this hard year
and your example led me to a greater striving when all odds called for capitulation.  Losses
suffered and hardships survived have left much undone and through strength of Folk Soul I vow
to achieve a binding.  I miss your strength but know it lives on in our line.  Fare with our gods in
eternal preparation for the coming battles!

(It this point I took out the small oak chips for a friend and performed a small Blot in honor of
Sif.  The essence was in regard to the relations between the Men and women of our Folk.  I
hope to have her permission to share it as it was stirring.  She is almost too private though so we
shall see.)

Hail Odin!, Heimdall!, Thor!, Tyr!, all the Aesir, Vanir, and our precious Folk who follow you.
Grant our Folk the knowledge, and strength, to flow through the web of indignity present on
Midgard.  As we strive for our future we hold fast to our past.  The examples of the past are
brought forth anew and we fight to bring a renewal of the old to displace the usurper God.
Pride and honor must again spring forth, white as the fangs of the wolf and strong as the arm of
Thor!  While I pass physically from this place of awakening through conflict, I carry it within me
with each pulse of blood and breath I produce.

I drank some of the beer I had brought made a small oath to the Gods and poured a libation
upon the fire before clearing the area of my presence.  It was a good ceremony even through the
bite of winters breath.  I hope each of my brothers and sisters in faith have had joy and
contemplation this Yule season!


AOR/AFA/Himinbjorg Hearth