In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful

This page is dedicated to the Muslims of Spain of 1492
who laid their lives to protect Andalus in the face
of aggression while struggling to uphold Islam.

I must express my sincere thanks to Professor T. Germano,
my former Art History Professor, who must be credited
for suggesting the making of this site to expose
to the world the beauty of Muslim Spain.

If it weren't for the paper I had to write for his class,
perhaps I would have remained ignorant of the Muslim
civilization in Spain that I now find most intriguing.

"...I will forgive all the shortcomings and remove the evil
deeds of those who were expelled from their homes
or were persecuted for My sake and who fought for
My cause and were slain. I shall admit them into Gardens
underneath which rivers flow. This is their reward from Allah,
and with Allah alone is the richest reward!" (Al-Qur'an, 3:195)

8th-11th Century map of Muslim Spain

15th Century map of Christian Spain

A compilation of my research on the legacy of Al-Andalus:
Andalusia When It Was...

Spain's Islamic Legacy: A Muslim's tour of Andalusia
by Prof. S.M. Ghazanfar

An interesting perspective of a non-Muslim on his trip to Andalus:
When the 'Moors' Ruled Spain by Thomas Abercrombie

Quotes regarding the legacy of Muslims in Spain

An interesting update: Spain Prevents Teaching of Islam


Some Recommended Readings:

  • Islamic Spain 1250-1500 by L.P. Harvey
  • Isabella (based on a true story) by Muhammad Saeed Dehlvi
  • Muslim Spain: Its History and Culture by Anwar Chejne
  • Al-Andalus: The Art of Islamic Spain edited by Jerrilynn D. Dodds
  • Moorish Architecture in Andalusia by Marianne Barrucand
  • Alhambra: A Moorish Paradise by Gabrielle Van Zuylen
  • Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving
  • Blood on the Cross: by Ahmad Thomson
  • Moorish Style by Myles Danby

Recommended Lectures:

  • Muslim Spain's Legacy, by Abdullah Hakim Quick
  • Deeper Roots: Muslims in the Americas before Columbus
  • by A.H. Quick

Islamic Art Links:

"God is Beautiful, and He loves Beauty." -Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

I've gotta give a shout to Professor L. Waldron from SJU for
including Islamic (Andalusian & Mughal) Art in his "Appreciation
and Understanding of Art" class the last two semesters which
I sat in on and learned a GREAT deal!

Note: The border reads "Wa La Ghalib Illa Allah" from
right to left. This beautiful and powerful inscription
written in Arabic surrounds the Alhambra walls.

I would like to thank the current Latino Dawah movement
for its efforts to spread the beauty of Islam.

Please visit