by Lesa Rasheed Wali (Reginald Thompson)
I am a young fifteen year old Muslim who was raised as a Christian until I reached the age of 12. I had stopped going to church so much because I wasn't getting my questions answered. Thanks to Allah that He brought the light of Islam to my life.
Islam is a truthful religion. I found out that Islam is about putting order in your life and submitting to the one and only God, Allah. Being a young Muslim in public school can be a very uncomfortable issue, but one that you, with the Help of Allah, can work out. Across the United States, you find that not many Muslim kids are doing good deeds like they are supposed to do. In many cities in the state of North Carolina, young Muslims are afraid to leave their classes to make salat because of what their teachers may say.
Yes, I know that when you're in school you are supposed to work on your classroom assignments, but there is always time for prayer. Now is the time for you and your family to prepare for the After Life, Heaven and Hell. You should understand that submitting to your God is the fist thing in life! You only have one life to live on earth until your time comes to face the One and Only Creator, Allah. So whom do you fear, Allah, or some teacher that's not going to keep you from going to the Hell Fire?
My young brothers and sisters, it's time to stop all the fear of others. You have no choice but to fear your Creator. Allah hears and knows all the things you do, and the main thing He records is your daily salat. So the next time you see that it's time to make salat (prayer), go ahead and do what you have to do and fear no one but Allah. There is no need to fear anyone or anything other than Him.
We all know that it's hard being a Muslim and doing good deeds and salat in non-Muslim schools, but you have to separate yourself from the wrong people and stick with the so-call good folks. Islam is not about skipping school, having illegal sex, smoking, doing drugs, and disrespecting girls in school. I feel that the best way to have good deeds in school is to make salat at the right time and be friends with those who are not wrong doers. Pray to Allah and He will forgive you for anything other than shirk (associating partners with Him).