Dear Muslims:
The following khutba was delivered by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the eve of Ramadan.It is short but concise, informative and educational. It provides instructional models to the Muslims to be followed and to be practiced in their daily lives and especially during the month of Ramadan. Because of its importance and because it was spoken by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself on a notable occasion, the meaning of the khutba was translated and included in this series of Khutab.
Dear Muslims:It was narrated by Salman the Persian (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) delivered a khutba on the last day of Sha'ban. The Prophet said: "O you people! A great and a blessed month has arrived for you. A month therein a Night which is better than one thousand months. The fasting during this month is an obligation (Fareedah),and the extra prayers during its nights are voluntary. Anyone who comes closer to Allah through a good deed during this month is as if he performed an obligatory duty (Fareedah) during times other than Ramadan, and he who fulfils an obligatory duty in it will be like one who fulfils seventy obligatory duties in another month. It is the month of patience, and, the reward of patience is Paradise. It is the month of visiting of the poor, the sick and the needy so as to share their sorrows. It is the month where the nourishment. the sustenance and the income of the believing Muslim increase and they are blessed.
"Anyone who invites others to break their fast at Iftar will be provided with forgiveness of his sins and be saved from hell, and will receive reward equal to the fasting person without reducing his own reward in any respect."
Some of the followers of the Prophet said: "Not all of us may find food to share with one so that he could break his fast." The Prophet said: "Allah will reward you even if you help the fasting Muslim to break his fast with a date, a sip of water, or a drink of milk . . . it is a month: its beginning is Mercy (Rahmah), and its middle part is Forgiveness (Maghfirah) and its last part is freedom from hellfire. Anyone who helps a slave to be freed, Allah will forgive him and free him from Hell. Increase in yourselves four characteristics: two by which you will please your Lord, and two others by which you cannot live without. The first two qualities to please Allah are to bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, and to ask forgiveness from Allah. . . . However, the other two things that you cannot live without are: to ask Allah for Paradise and to ask Him to protect you from Hell and Fire. . . . Anyone who gives water to a Muslim atIftar, Allah will give him water during the Day of Judgment from the fountain of the Prophet Muhammad which will make him not feel thirsty till he enters Paradise."
Dear Muslims:
In bringing this khutba to your attention, we hope and pray to Almighty Allah that we will benefit from it and we will act according to the teachings of Muhammad (pbuh). May Allah help us to live our teachings so that Allah and His Messenger be pleased with us all. Ameen. Let us ask Almighty Allah for forgiveness.