Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

My Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum

My name is Maryam. I wish I could be old enough to give a good speech. Anyway, I am going to try.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Makkah. Baby Muhammad was given to a wet nurse. This lady's name was Haleema. She took baby Muhammad to her village in the mountains. When he grew up, Muhammad became a very handsome and healthy boy.

When young boy Muhammad (pbuh) was about 4 years old, he asked his mother if he could go to the desert with his foster brothers. Lady Haleema bathed him, combed his hair, put new clothes on him, and a necklace around his neck. Boy Muhammad asked, "What is this necklace for, mother?" Lady Haleema said, "My dear son, this will protect you from dangers in the desert."

Young Muhammad (pbuh) took the necklace off at once and said, "My dear mother, beads cannot do anything. There is a great one who will protect me from all dangers, He is Allah who has created us."

My Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Allah is the protector of everybody. I thank you very much for your patience you showed during my speech.

Was-Salaamu 'Alaykum