Purdah By Yasmeen Shareef
This is a command given by Allah (SWT) to those who have submitted to him (i.e., Muslims). Since the Muslims' greatest desire is to attain the pleasure of our Creator, we must accept all of the rules and regulations prescribed by our Lord for He understands us best and He has given us the best possible system of life; a balanced system which satisfies us intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Once we truly accept the statement "La ilaha illallah mohammadur-rasoolallah" then we must accept all of the commandments such as Zakat, Saum, staying away from Haraam, eating Halal meat, etc. Similarly, we must follow the Islamic code of behavior and dress. The Muslim woman is required to cover-up in a specified manner.
Before I proceed with the requirements of the garment and the extent of covering required, let me state that covering-up (Purdah) may seem a fairly trivial matter to some and to others it may seem very difficult and even impossible. Although it should be an easy command to obey, the problem for many women is due to the fact that they are surrounded and influenced by Western thoughts and standards. The West presents numerous hurdles and barriers with the simplest being discomfort. Women who cover-up receive not only stares and glances, but are also confronted with numerous questions. Keep in mind that although it is relatively more difficult to be mutbajibbah (covered-up) in this non4slamic environment than if we were to cover-up in the various Muslim countries, Inshallah our reward will also be greater. More importantly, to uncover ourselves and to propagate the Western image is not going to liberate us, instead it is hindering us from progressing intellectually and raising ourselves out of the miserable condition that we find the Muslim Ummah in today. Let us also remind ourselves that placing our preferences, opinions, desires, and conveniences above the commandments of Allah (SWI) puts us in His disfavor and we do riot want to incur His wrath.
'It is not befitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about their decision: if anyone disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path. (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:36)
We must learn what is required of us, no matter which place or time we live it understand it follow it, and spread it in a clear and straightforward manner.
Following Jamal Badawi's order of presentation on this subject (the Muslim women's dress according to Quran and Sunnah), I will outline the requirements according to the Quran and Sunnah,
The First RequirementThe entire body must be covered with the exception of those parts that are allowed to be exempted. The Holy Quran states in Surah Nur (24:30-31)
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty that will make for purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should not display their beauty andornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hand posses, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you believers! Turn all toward Allah that you may attain in bliss."
These ayahs clearly define what is allowed to be displayed and in front of whom. The woman must cover-up in front of every human being other than those mentioned in the above ayahs. From the above ijnia (consensus) of the majority of the jurists (both past and present) and based on the Hadith of the Prophet Muhamniad (pbuh) in which he says:
"...if the woman reaches the age of puberty, no (part of her body) should be seen but this - and he pointed to his face and hands."
It is decided that no more dm the face and hands may be revealed. if, however, uncontrollable factors such as the blowing of the wind reveals her shape, or if out of necessity, the bracelets show, then there is no blame on the woman.
The Second Requirement LOOSENESSThe dress should be loose enough so that it meets the requirements of the above ayah (Surah Nur, 24:30-31) in which it stated that they should hide their zeenah (a bodily beauty and omaments). The dress should not describe the shape of the body, hence any dress even moderately tight should not be worn since the curves of a woman's body as well as her size will clearly be apparent. Her zeenah such as her bust, hips, waist, etc. will be noticed.
A thick garment was given as a gift to the Rasool (pbuh) and he in turn gave it to Osamah bin layd. When Osamah was asked why he did not wear it he told the Prophet (pbuh) that he had given it to Ws wife. The Prophet (pbuh) then said, "Ask her to use a gholalah under it (the garment) for I fear that it may describe the size of her bones." (Musnad Ahmed also in Al-Bayhaqi and in Sunnah Abi-Dawood). The wife was asked to wear an under-gamient (ghowah, which is also thick) so that her shape would not be apparent.
The Third Requirement THICKNESSSince nothing but what is apparent may be shown (i.e. hands and face) the garment must be thick enough so that we cannot see the color of the skin it covers or the shape of the body. Once the Prophet (pbuh) saw Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr, visiting Aishah while Asma was wearing a dress that was not thick enough. He turned his face away in anger and said:
"If the woman reaches the age of puberty, no part of her body should be seen, but this," and he pointed to his face and his hands. Another time when the Prophet (pbuh) saw a bride wearing a thin dress, he said, "She is not a woman who believes in Surat-un Nur who wears this." He also described the future condition of the Ummah which would be straying from the injunction of the Islamic dress code. "In later (generations) of my Ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked on top of heads (what looks) like camel humps. Curse them for they am truly cursed."
The Fourth Requirement OVERALL APPEARANCEThe dress should not attract men's attention The Quran states, "Bedizen not yourselves with bedizenment of the time of ignorance. . . . " Here, Allah is addressing the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) as they are the ones who set examples for the believing women. In addition to all this, we must realize that displaying of beauty goes beyond clothing. The Holy Quran uses the word tabarruj, which means tower (something clearly visible). This clear visibility may be a result of anything which makes the woman noticed, i.e. the way she walk, behaves, etc.. Hence, a woman who is covering-up not only has to be aware that her clothing is in accordance to the Quran and Sunnah but that her behavior and manners am as well.
Additional Recquirements 1)The female costume may riot resemble the male costume.2)The dress may not be representative of the costume of the non-believers.
3)The dress may riot show fame, pride, and vanity, i.e. the dress cannot be a status symbol.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever wears a dress of fame in this world, Allah will clothe him with a dress of humiliation on the Day of Resurrection, then set it afire. "
Let us be aware that while our dress is in complete agreement with the Islamic requirements (long, preferably an outer garment, thick, loose), we may not wear make-up and perfume and our head covering may not be transparent and it must cover all of our hair (amongst men and non-mehram). Note as well that the face is described Islamically as starting from the hairline to just under the chin hence our necks must also be covered.
Not every aspect and consequence of this topic has been covered, therefore, I urge every Muslim both male and female to further research this topic and encourage each other in the family, and outside of it, to learn and practice what is required of us. We must be protective of each other in the family, and outside of it to learn and practice what is required of us. We must protect ourselves from the vices of this world and from the punishments of the Hereafter. We should compete with each other for Allah's (SWT) pleasure by fulfilling His commandments.
Let us not make excuses for each other and condone and rationalize our disobedience to the Almighty. Let us instead be the best community ever raised; those who enforce what is right. I pray that Allah forgives our sins and opens our minds and hearts to the truth so that we may follow the right path now, without delay! Ameen.