Self-discipline beyond Ramadhaan

by Dr. Tanveer Mir

Healthy living is emphasized in Al-Islaam and Al-Qur'aan. Al-Islaam, is not only a religion but also a way of life. The five pillars of Al-Islaam not only make us closer to the prescribed path of Allaah (SWT) and our Prophet Mohammed (SAAWS), but for a Muslim, fasting is not only beneficial to health, it is a way of self-purification. Over eight million Muslims in the United States join the rest of the Ummah in Fasting. Al-Qur'aan emphasizes self-discipline. Tolerance from strength and virtue, to which Al-Qur'aan calls, is founded upon the brotherhood of Al-Islaam.

Regarding Ramadhaan, in Surah Taha it is mentioned "Eat of the good things we have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein, lest my wrath should descend on you: and those on whom descends my wrath do perish indeed. (:81). In Al-Hadeeth Qudsi it is mentioned that "fasting is mine and it is I who give reward for it. A man gives up his passion, his food and his drink for my sake. Fasting is like a shield, and he who fasts has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets the Lord. The change in the breath of the mouth of him who fasts is better in Allaah (SWT)'s estimation than the smell of musk." In Surah Al-Imraan, it is mentioned "Those who show patience, firmness and self-control; who are true in word and deed; who worship devoutly; who spend in the way of Allaah (SWT); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of morning". (:17)

Hence it is clear that the purpose of fasting is to curb all appetites. A Muslim's lifestyle must conform to the prescribed ways of Allaah (SWT). During this holy month, we observe the fast from dawn to dusk, pray Taraweeh, and follow all the elements of the prescribed pathway. At the time of breaking the fast (Iftaar), we indulge in over-eating. Our dining tables are laden with delicacies, special foods and meat, relishes and desserts. If one stops to review the purpose of fasting all day, clearly it is lost when we over-indulge at dusk when we break our fast. The benefits of fasting have to extend beyond Iftar and moderation should be exercised at all times.

All bounties proceed from Allaah (SWT); we are to use all in humility and moderation. But we are also to give something that contributes to the well being of others. We are neither to be ascetics nor luxurious sybarites, neither selfish misers nor thoughtless prodigals' This excerpt is from Sura Al-Imran and the principles are clearly elucidated herein.

From a medical perspective, it has been proven that fasting is beneficial to your health. First of all fasting imparts a sense of mental and physical well being. It curbs the appetite, trains you to exert self-control and temper. The total body weight does not change significantly and the total cholesterol remains unchanged but the H.D.L. or the good cholesterol increases significantly and L.D.L. or the bad cholesterol decreases with a net beneficial effect on the heart which may prevent heart disease. Moderate high blood Pressure is controlled easily during Ramadhaan and lower values are noted during this month. Smoking is highly discouraged in Al-Islaam and rightly so because of its adverse effects on health. All smokers should make an attempt to quit during this month since they abstain from dawn to dusk and quitting should be easy under these circumstances. Smokers also have to bear in mind that they are inflicting disease in their families and fiends because of second-hand smoke.

Beyond medicine, one can extend the benefits of Ramadhaan all year round. Clearly it is not advisable to fast all year round but the principle of self-control can be practiced all year round. The principles of moderation and avoidance of excess will go a long way in maintaining physical and mental health Beyond the spiritual benefits, Ramadhaan helps in alleviating stress, reduction in caloric intake and self-control which benefits our mental health. The religious, spiritual and health benefits of Ramadhaan are so profound that there is no doubt that with each year of fasting, one achieves a higher level in the practice Of Al-Islaam. We can proudly say that no other religion is as complete and thorough as Al-Islaam and we should be happy in conforming our lives to the prescribed way.