The Blessings of Hijab By Dina Abd Elaty This is my own story,
When I decided to wear the hijab I eased into it. First, I told my family members about what I intended to do. Next, I told my close friends many of them are Christian. Although my friends at college are very sweet and caring, but naturally, I had to explain to them why I would be wearing the hijab.
Unfortunately, the first myth I had to disspell was that no, I was not going to become a terrorist. The next misconception my friends were worried about was that I would be locked away in my house, where I would live a life of submission to any male figure in the house. I assured them that I would carry on my life as normal except that I would be more covered up. Although I consider my friends to be educated, I was not surprised to hear such questions from them. People's beliefs are limited by what they are exposed to, and by what they expose themselves to. The media, that saturates their lives, also portray Muslims in such a negative light.
I found, however, that once I began explaining to them the fundamentals of Islam, and how Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) ordained women to cover themselves, my friends were very openminded, curious, and accepting. I relayed to them what had been taught to me, that the hijab provides women with protection, respect, and security. I was able to discuss Islam to an eager audience who previously had been misinformed by the media and even by university classes. The opportunity to Dawah, due to hijab was the first hidden blessing of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala). When people recognize you immediately as a Muslim, you are able to spread the word of Islam, or perform da'wa, by what you say to them, as well as how you act.
When I first began wearing the hijab, I can't lie, I was somewhat nervous about greeting the world, yet very excited that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) had given me the strength to do the right thing. I walked on campus not knowing what to expect and honestly, nothing out of the ordinary did happen. At least, not at first.
It is not so much that I noticed a difference in other people, but I began noticing a difference in myself. The blessings of hijab manifested myself in a way, I had not expected. Somehow, by wearing the hijab, it reminded me that when it is time for prayer, I should not wait. When I am upset, I should not yell or get angry at someone. When I eat, I should remember to pronounce Bismillah before the meal and not throw away, what I can not eat. When I am happy, I should thank Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) for his bounties, and when I am frustrated, I should seek His guidance and refuge. When I am about to speak ill of someone, I should hold my tongue.
In short, wearing the hijab provided all of the benefits, I explained to my inquisitive friends, but in Allah's wisdom, it provided something so much more. The hijab became a constant reminder not only to the world, but to myself as well, that I am a Muslim, and that Islam is not only prayer and rituals, but a way of life. By placing a covering over my head, with Allah's help, I felt I was slowly removing the one over my eyes.