Slandering means uttering false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage somebody's reputation. A synonym for this is backbiting; which means to say unkind or spiteful things. Cursing means praying or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one.
Slandering and cursing is forbidden in Islam because it is not nice to talk about others using bad words. For proof, we have the Quran and the Hadith.
Slandering and Cursing is Satan's work. He tries to create mischief among human beings.
What to talk about cursing and slandering, Islam does not even allow to talk loudly or harshly lest the addresses feels insulted.
Don't speak ill of each other behind their backs.
Allah Taala does not like spreading of evil news about each other. If you talk about someone when he is or isn't present, it is the same as eating a dead brother's flesh!
In surah 49 verse 12 Allah Taala says,
"O you who believe, Avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? But you hate it, and be careful of your duty to Allah Taala, surely Allah is of-returning and Merciful."
Slandering applies even if what you are saying about the individual is true in other words you don't have to lie or say something untrue about the person to be regarded as slandering even if what you are saving about the individual is true it still falls within slandering.
Prophet Muhammed (May Peace And Blessings Of Allah Taala Be Upon Him Said), "A beleiver is neither a taunter, nor a curser, nor an indecent, nor an abuser."
Prophet Muhammad has sternly forbidden slandering and cursing. Childhood is the right age to understand these social evils. We should learn to avoid them in our daily dealings.
Prophet Muhammad also said. "A slanderer shall never enter paradise."
Allah Taalah does not like slandering. Prophet Muhammad said, "Slandering is to mention something about someone which that person hates when someone says it.
Prophet Muhammad once said, "It is not proper for a great truthful person to become a great curser."
Good character melts away mistakes,
just as water melts away ice.
Bad character spoils deeds,
Just as vinegar spoils honey.
Allah Ta'ala does not look upon your bodies or appearances, He looks upon your intentions and your deeds.
Slandering and cursing creates bad blood between two members of the same society. Why can't they iron out their differences by talking to each other? Islam wants a clean and healthy society in which everybody loves each other and lives harmoniously.