The Challenge of Sharing Islam

My Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Respected Elders,

Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

I have come here today to speak about: The Challenge of Sharing Islam

The real mission and task before the Muslims is to establish and enforce the religion as a whole which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas) communicated to mankind. A religion which contains divine guidance and injunctions in each and every aspect of life such as beliefs, worship, and morality; and all spheres such as social, economic, and political.

Suah Al-Nahl, ayah 125 reveals:


"Call men to the path of your Lord by wisdom and excellent counsel. Present the cause to them, through argument in the best manner."

Da'wah is the fulfillment of this commandment; "to call men to the path of Allah." It is the effort by the Muslim to enable other men to benefit from the Supreme vision of Allah (SWT). It is rationally necessary, for truth wants to be known. It exerts pressure on the knower to share his insight with his peers. Islam is not only theoretical, but also practical. A Muslim is doubly urged to take his discovery to other men. His piety, his virtue and his charity impose upon him, the obligation to share with others the good which has developed in him.

What do we want to do here in America as our home? We Muslims are like a bulb, our presence illuminates the darkness of the world and the light enables people to see the truth. The absolute materialism is causing misery everywhere. We have to offer an Islamic model to the people. If we do not do this, we will remain isolated in the society. We have to offer them a model in social, political, economic, and in all other problems facing our fellow Americans.

"Argue the cause with the Non-Muslims with beautiful arguments." Certainly the Muslim is to try again and again and never give up, and show the example of his own life, his commitment to the values he professes, and pray that Allah (SWT) may guide his fellow men to truth. If the Non-Muslim is still not convinced, the Muslim is to rest his case with Allah (SWT). The Prophet (sas) allowed those Christians who were not convinced by his presentation of Islam to keep their faith and return home in dignity.

Surah Al-Zumr, Ayat 41 reveals:


"Truth is now manifest from error. Whoever accepts the truth does so for his own good. Whoever does not accept the truth, does so to his own peril." Sometimes when we want to invite a priest to come to talk to us, some people ask, do you want these people to convert the Muslims? For God's sake, if they are to convert from the talk of a priest, they better learn about Islam fully. We are one billion plus, living in all corners of the world. If we are so weak that a priest will convert us just by having a conversation, then we are good for nothing Muslims. The memory of Egypt, Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, in essence, all Muslim countries outside Arabia are sweet memories of a tremendous pool of wisdom and man-power. We earn our living with grace and dignity, and we pay our dues to society. We have nothing to apologize for.

There are several obstacles in our way. One of them is that we lack confidence in the ability of Islam to stand in the marketplace of ideas. Another is the image of being projected about Islam. We may complain that other people are corrupting us, but my dear Brothers and Sisters, allow me to say that WE are corrupting ourselves. There is a part played by the hostile media and others, but a great part of the fear in this society's mind comes from what we say and what we do. If we continue to allow ourselves to be projected as a frightening group, it will go against us for the future of Islam in America. America society does not mind if you are liberal or conservative, but they do not like when they feel scared. The experience of the Black Panther and Waco group is very relevant.

To conclude, let us focus our attention on Islam in America. That is the challenge. Let us be sincere Muslims and sincere Americans. Let us remove any duality in our thought and in our action. I assure you we are bound to succeed, Insha Allah.