"Quotable Quotes" of the 20th Century

Compiled by Zaheer Uddin

By Muslim scholars, Reverted Muslim Scholars, & Non-Muslim Scholars

By Muslim Scholars

“Wherever evil is found in the world, at its roots is one thing alone: acceptance of supremacy and overlordship other than that of Allah. That is the source of all mischief and the seed of all evil. Here the tree of evil is born whose branches then spread out to provide human beings with the poisonous fruits of disaster. As long as this root remains, however many branches you may cut, the only result will be that suffering and tribulation will stop descending from one direction and will start from another.” –Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, from Musalman aur Maujuda Siyasi Kashmakash (Urdu)

“How can you expect that Allah will help a nation that shuns the field of action, and that He will shower upon them the magnificent rewards once bestowed on their glorious and heroic ancestors, although they have none of the valor, vitality and stout-heartedness of the latter? Such an assumption is repugnant to the spirit of the Divine Dispensation. Is one to become great without deserts or qualifications? Are harvests possible or crops available without ploughing and cultivation? Is victory won without labor and perseverance? Can power be obtained without action? These are mere delusions with which the lay flatter themselves and keep themselves aloof from the field of action; they are delusions antagonistic to the Laws of Allah. They are an illusion which makes the real appear unreal, and evil good.” –Amir Shakib Arsalan, from Our Decline and its Causes

"Proclamation of Allah that the prophethood had come to its end, made even before the Prophet left this fleeting world, was a godsend blessing for Muslims. The declaration that no new prophet would come after Muhammad (s), nor would there be a new revelation, nor a new religious order after him, was a bounty from Allah envied by the learned and earnest Rabbis of the Jews who were aware of the stimulus given to eschatological speculations, confusion of thought and religious schisms brought about by the pseudo-Messiahs during the long periods of distress undergone by the Jewish people. An authentic Tradition records that “Once a Rabbi said to Caliph Umar: You have a verse in your holy Book, which, if it had been revealed to us we would have celebrated the day of its revelation as a festival.” Caliph Umar asked: “Which is that verse?” The Rabbi replied: “It is: This day have I perfected your religion for you, and have chosen for you as religion Al-Islam.” -S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, from Islamic Concept of Prophethood

“Muslims stand still to pray. This is, as it were, the way of minerals which cannot move. Animals are always in a state of genuflexion, bowing the head in humility. This is their prayer. The Muslims also do the same and bend their head in reverence during the prayer. The way of vegetation is prostration because trees have their roots deep in the earth. Muslims prostrate themselves during their prayers. In addition to combining the ways of mineral, animal and vegetative life, their prayer is characterized by some striking human features such as salutation to God (al-tahiyyah). The Muslim form of prayer is the highest and the best in that it is a combination of all forms of prayer of the entire universe.” –Muhammad Hamidullah, from The Emergence of Islam

“The miracle of the Qur’an is that it yields its knowledge to each mind within its capacity and degree of intellect. It gives to the mind that which satisfies it. Thus we find the illiterate quite content to listen to the Qur’an being read or recited. The literate obtain a great deal of contentment and satisfaction from reading it or listening to its meaningful elucidation. The highly-educated find its miraculous features challenging and stimulating to their mind and thought. This is because within the Qur’an the basis for all knowledge a man may attain by Allah’s will, at any period of time, can be found. When such knowledge is attained and the relevant verse for enlightenment sited, one is overwhelmed by their consistency and authenticity.” -Shaykh Muhammad Mitwalli Al-Sha’rawi, from The Miracles of the Qur’an

“Today we have the same Qur’an with us. Millions of copies of it are in circulation. Day and night, it is ceaselessly recited. In homes, in mosques, and from pulpits. Voluminous exegetical works exist expounding its meaning. Words pour out incessantly to explain its teachings and to exhort us to live by it. Yet eyes remain dry, hearts remain unmoved, minds remain untouched, lives remain unchanged. Ignominy and degradation appear to have become the lot of the followers of the Qur’an. Why? Because we no longer read the Qur’an as a living reality. It is a sacred book, but it tells us something of the past only, concerning Muslims and Kafirs, Jews and Christians, the faithful and the hypocrites, who ‘once upon a time used to be.’” –Khurram Murad, from Way to the Qur’an

"The Prophet Muhammad (S) is like a spring of pure water in the heart of a desert, or like a source of light in the darkness enveloping the universe. Whoever appeals to this spring can take as much water as to quench his thirst and is purified of all his dirt or pollution, spiritual or intellectual, and illumined with the light of belief." -M. Fethullah Gulen, from Prophet Muhammad as Commander

By Reverted Muslim Scholars

“The Europeans had left no stone unturned in distorting the facts and disfiguring Islam. They have painted Islam as the religion of the brutes and savages having no sense of wisdom, sagacity, virtue and righteousness. Now I was firm and confident that Islamic teachings are flawless and free of all contradictions, defects, drawbacks, and shortcomings. My studies, observations and discussions have led me to believe that Islam is free from the weaknesses of other religions and the defects which we see in the Muslims are not the defects of Islam.” –Muhammad Asad, formerly Leopold Wais, Poland.

“When I recollect my past days, I become restless and shed tears of repentence when I am alone. I have no words to thank Allah, the Exalted who pulled me out of this marsh. Before this I was moving with the banner of Satan in my hands. Had I been dead in that state how could I face Allah the Almighty?” -Yusuf Islam formerly Cat Stevens, England

“Islam is the standard-bearer of a respectable and balanced life. It neither considers man helpless nor gives all out freedom and licence to him. It attaches fundamental importance to the qualities of efforts and struggle, caution, reason and understanding. In other words, it believes in establishing such a society which is based on peace, justice and fairplay and putting them into practice with intelligence and reasoning.” -Sir Abdullah Archibald Hamilton formerly Sir Charles Hamilton, England.

“After embracing Islam I felt that something tremendously magnificent had entered in my very existence. I have no words to express my joys and sense of satisfaction. One has many difficulties to face in America with a series of crimes and counter-crimes. But after embracing Islam, I started wearing veil and escaped such troubles. I came under the shadow of peace and safety. I also felt that people in general would hold me in high esteem due to my observing purdah. None would tease me anywhere either on the road or in the bus, etc.” -Laila Lessalut Watman, America

“Islam has forged in one relation of brotherhood all the people taken out from the boundaries of culture, color and region. So far as marriage and marital life is concerned, they have very deep roots in Islam, and social and biological realties have set the seal of truth upon them. In comparison to the superficial and so-called monogamy of the West, family principles, traditions and regulations of Islam are more practicable." -Ismail Wieslaw Jazierski, Poland

“My study is vast, but the impression produced by the style of expression of the Holy Qur’an has no parallel and can’t be described in words. I thought as if Allah, the Almighty, was Himself addressing me with all His Blessings and Benedictions, and the Qur’an was going to be revealed on me. I felt pity at the Muslims treating Qur’an as they do. They go on reading this Book of Allah like novels. They neither ponder over its meaning nor stop at any point to understand its glory." -Dr. Ataullah Budgan, Poland

“I was startled to know that a sense of praise emerged from my sub-conscious for those who were still firm in following their religion. This feeling created in me a soft corner for Islam and a desire arose for knowing about that religion.” -Dr. Ta’lim Ali, formerly Thomas Irving, Canada

“The Holy Qur’an which was revealed nearly fourteen hundred years ago contains even such ayahs which have been discovered with respect to its scientific value much later through scientific research. And this discovery was sufficient for me to believe that the second part of the Kalimah is also believable.” -Ali Sulaiman Banoist, France

“I have become a Muslim by force of my study and I have a great regard for it. The Muslims have got Islam as a legacy, hence they fail to recognize its value. In fact, during all the troubles and problems I faced in my life, Islam proved the only cradle of peace and comfort. Whatever thanks I apy to Allah, The Almighty and Exalted, is much less in comparison to what I have got by way of this Blessing.” -Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, England

"I have become very happy after getting such a true and universal religion as Islam. My heart is full of real happiness, and it is my heart-felt yearning to convey to each and every person I come across the lofty manners, character and teachings of the Messenger of Allah." -Rajkumari Javed Banu Begam, India

"I pay countless thanks to Allah that He saved me from sinking deep into the darkness of race and color. I pray that Allah, the Almighty, confer upon me the will to spread Islam and I keep calling mankind to the straight path. In fact, each citizen of America needs to be shown the true face of Islam, because till now the the true face of Islam has not been shown to the West." -Sulaiman Shahid Mufassir, America

"Muhammad (S) was the final Messenger. His deeds are matchless, but, however, these can't be taken as metaphysical. These have come to the fore with the flow of history and reason testifies." -Dr. Umar Rolf Baron Van Ehrenfeis, Austria

"The spirit behind true Faith in Islam is the attainment of the Pleasure of Allah and His unconditional obedience. It is the "cornerstone" of prayer. This religion teaches universal brotherhood, equality, harmony, large-heartedness and humility. It lays stress on purity of heart nd cleanliness of action, tongue and body. If a man wants to get himself identified with the way of life, which is most lofty in regard to action and morality, it is Islam and Islam alone." -Muhammad Alexander Russel Webb, formerly Alexander Russel Webb, America.

"All the comforts, glitters and luxuries are nothing in comparison to the blessings of Islam, the religion of Allah. This alone contains real spiritual happiness, blessings of the world and salvation in the Hereafter." -Fatima Hereen, Germany

"While the evils of atheism and materialism, supported by all the forces of modern technology, are working day and night to destroy us - spiritually, culturally and politically - rather than hold fast to faith in Allah, unite and combat our real enemies, we foolishly choose to trad the path of an alien civilzation, hoping thereby in vain to attain social prestige and the comforts and pleasures of this tranitory world in utter forgetfulness of the eternal Life Hereafter and thus totally neglect our duties as Muslims to Allah and our fellow-beings. This is not the way to "progess" but can only result in our failure, degeneration and doom, both individually and collectively!" -Maryam Jameelah, formerly Margaret Marcus

"Before America allows herself to be destroyed by the "cancer of racism" she should become better acquainted with the religious philosophy of Islam, a religion that has already molded people of all colors into one vast family, a nation of brotherhood of Islam that leaps over all "obstacle" and stretches itself into almost all the Eastern countries of this Earth." -Malik Al-Shabazz, formerly Malcolm X

By Non-Muslim Scholars

"Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements of race and tradition. If ever the opposition of the great societies of East and West is to be replaced by co-operation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition. In its hands lies very largely the solution of the problem with which Europe is faced in its relation with the East. If they unite, the hope of a peaceful issue is immeasurably enhanced. But if Europe, by rejecting the co-operation of Islam, throws into the arms of its rivals, the issue can only be disastrous for both." -H.A.R. Gibb, from Whither Islam

"Part of the Western problem is that for centuries Muhammad has been seen as the antithesis of the religious spirit an as the enemy of decent civilization. Instead, perhaps, we should try to see him as a man of the spirit, who managed to bring peace and civilization to his peope." -Karen Armstrong, from Muhammad, A Biography of the Prophet

"I have studied Muhammad - the wonderful man - and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happines: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be accepted to the Europe of today." -George Bernard Shaw, from The Genuine Islam