This Middle Ages and Renaissance Webring managed by
Christopher Miller.
Welcome to the Middle Ages and Renaissance Web Ring Information Page. Members of this Ring have a variety of interests rooted in the Dark Ages, Medieval period, and Renaissance era primarily in the lands of Europe, Western Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. There are also links to "living history" sites, like the Society for Creative Anachronism. This Ring is NOT appropriate for science fiction, fantasy, gaming, or "sword and jockstrap" material. In addition, the Ring is rated PG; so sites containing blatantly adult or grossly offensive material may be restricted from this Ring
If you are interested in joining the site, visit the Web Ring Add Form page, fill in the blanks, and submit. The Ring Manager will review your site to determine if it is suitable, and notify you via e-mail when your site is accepted or rejected. If accepted, you will need to add the HTML code segment for the ring to your site prior to being listed as a Ring member. This HTML code will be e-mailed to you when your site is accepted by the Ring Manager. Also, you must download Middle Ages 1 and Middle Ages 2 graphics.
If you are already a Ring member, and wish to edit your Ring site information, visit the Ring Page Edit Form here, and follow the instructions.
This page last updated on 24 May 2006 by Chris Miller