The Fundamentals A Testimony to the Truth

Ed. R.A.Torrey

Web Version: Shaun Aisbitt


In 1909 God moved two Christian laymen to set aside a large sum of money for issuing twelve volumes that would set forth the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and which were to be sent free to ministers of the gospel, missionaries, Sunday School superintendents, and others engaged in aggressive Christian work throughout the English speaking world. A committee of men who were known to be sound in the faith was chosen to have the oversight of the publication of these volumes. Rev. Dr. A.C. Dixon was the first Executive Secretary of the Committee, and upon his departure for England Rev. Dr. Louis Meyer was appointed to take his place. Upon the death of Dr. Meyer the work of the Executive Secretary devolved upon me. We were able to bring out these twelve volumes according to the original plan. Some of the volumes were sent to 300,000 ministers and missionaries and other workers in different parts of the world. On the completion of the twelve volumes as originally planned the work was continued through The King's Business, published at 536 South Hope St., Los Angeles, California. Although a larger number of volumes were issued than there were names on our mailing list, at last the stock became exhausted, but appeals for them kept coming in from different parts of the world. As the fund was no longer available for this purpose, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, to whom the plates were turned over when the Committee closed its work, have decided to bring out the various articles that appeared in The Fundamentals in four volumes at the cheapest price possible. All the articles that appeared in The Fundamentals, with the exception of a very few that did not seem to be in exact keeping with the original purpose of The Fundamentals, will be published in this series.



To the two laymen whose generosity made it possible to send several millions of volumes of The Fundamentals to ministers and missionaries in all parts of the world, for their confirmation and up building in the faith, these volumes are dedicated

Preface to the Online Edition of

"The Fundamentals"


Rev. Shaun Aisbitt


It is now 2002, nearly 100 years since the four volume books "The Fundamentals" were published. It is testimony to the truth contained in them that they are as relevant today as when they were published almost a century ago.

When I first found these four volumes in a second hand bookstore I knew they were like discovering a goldmine of Biblical wealth. I wondered why these classics were not reprinted anymore, as are other classic writings from such writers as R.A.Torrey, F.B.Meyer, Spurgeon, John Bunyan,William Gurnall etc.

The Christian teachings contained within these articles educate, enlighten correct and guard against error, through Scripture. Unfortunately it appears many churches, seminaries and Christian writers haven't read them, and now unknowingly promote falsehoods like evolution, kingdom now theology, church growth through secular ideals, pastoral equipping with organizational charts instead of Biblical example,  no eternal punishment, non-reliance on Scripture, ecumenism, friendship evangelism and so on.

My Prayer is that these writings will be given a new lease of life on the internet, in electronic Bible programs (my e-sword version is in progress) and will be widely read by all. If you would like to use these studies in some other electronic media, then please contact me by e-mail, and acknowledge my work in preparing the texts etc.

In The Glorious Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,

Rev. Shaun Aisbitt

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Great News!. A site with a special offer has contacted me and informed me that The Fundementals are now in reprint. They will be published by Baker Book House. The site is offering a pre-publication special offer of $29.95 for the set of four books (The list price is $100.00!) Why not avail of this special offer?. They are Solid Ground Books Click on the link to go there. Don't forget to come back here though!.


Chapter 1. THE HISTORY OF THE HIGHER CRITICISM - By Canon Dyson Hague, M. A., Rector of the Memorial Church, London, Ontario. Lecturer in Liturgics and Ecclesiology, Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada. Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Huron.

Chapter 2. THE MOSAIC AUTHORSHIP OF THE PENTATEUCH - By Professor George Frederick Wright, D. D., L. L. D., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.

Chapter 3. The Fallacies of the Higher Criticism By Professor Franklin Johnson, D. D., L. L. D.

Chapter 4. THE BIBLE AND MODERN CRITICISM - By F. Bettex, D. D., Professor Emeritus, Stuttgart, Germany. (Translated from the original German, by David Heagle, D. D.)

Chapter 5. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND MODERN NEGATIONS - By Professor James Orr, D. D., United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chapter 6. CHRIST AND CRITICISM - By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., L. L. D., Author of “The Bible and Modern Criticism,” etc., London, England.

Chapter 7. OLD TESTAMENT CRITICISM AND NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY - By Professor W. H. Griffith Thomas, Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada.

Chapter 8. THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS: DID IT EXIST? - A Question Involving the Truth or Falsitty of the Entire Higher Critic Theory, by David Heagle, Ph. D., D. D., Professor of Theology and Ethics, Ewing College; Translator of the “Bremen Lectures;” Author of “Moral Education;” “That Blessed Hope,” etc.

Chapter 9. INTERNAL EVIDENCE OF THE FOURTH GOSPEL - By Canon G. Osborne Troop, M. A. Montreal, Canada.

Chapter 10. THE TESTIMONY OF CHRIST TO THE OLD TESTAMENT - By William Caren, D. D., L. L. D., Late Principal of Knox College, Toronto, Canada.

Chapter 11. THE EARLY NARRITIVES OF GENESIS - By Professor James Orr, D. D. United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chapter 12. ONE ISAIAH - By Professor George L. Robinson, D. D., McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Chapter 13. THE BOOK OF DANIEL- By Professor Joseph D. Wilson, D. D., Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Author of “Did Daniel Write Daniel?”

Chapter 14. THE DOCTRINAL VALUE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF GENESIS - By the Revelation Dyson Hague, M. A. Vicar of the Church of the Epiphany; Professor of Liturgics, Wycliffe College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Chapter 15 THREE PECULIARITIES OF THE PENTATEUCH WHICH ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE GRAF-WELLHAUSEN THEORIES OF ITS COMPOSITION - By Andrew Craig Robinson, M. A., Ballineen, County Cork, Ireland. Author of “What about the Old Testament?”

Chapter 16. THE TESTIMONY OF THE MONUMENTS TO THE TRUTH OF THE SCRIPTURES - By Professor George Frederick Wright, D. D., L. L. D., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.

Chapter 17. THE RECENT TESTIMONY OF ARCHEOLOGY TO THE SCRIPTURES - By M. G. Kyle, D. D., L. L. D., Egyptologist. Professor of Biblical Archaeology, Xenia Theological Seminary; Consulting Editor of “The Records of the Past,” Washington, D.C. (The numbers in brackets throughout this article refer to the notes at the end of the article).

Chapter 18. SCIENCE AND CHRISTIAN FAITH - By Professor James Orr, D. D. United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chapter 19. MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH THE HIGHER CRITICISM - By Professor J. J. Reeve, Southwestern Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.

Chapter 20 THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE - DEFINITION, EXTENT AND PROOF - By Rev. James M. Gray, D.D., Dean of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Ill.

Chapter 21 INSPIRATION - By Evangelist L. W. Munhall, M. A., D. D., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Author of “Highest Critics vs. Higher Critics.”

Chapter 22 THE MORAL GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST, A PROOF OF INSPIRATION - By Rev. William G. Moorehead, D. D., President of Xenia Theological Seminary. Xenia, Ohio.

Chapter 23 THE TESTIMONY OF THE SCRIPTURES TO THEMSELVES - By Rev. George S. Bishop, D. D., East Orange, New Jersey.


Chapter 25 FULFILLED PROPHECY A POTENT ARGUMENT FOR THE BIBLE - By Arno C. Gaebelein, Editor “Our Hope,” New York City.

Chapter 26 LIFE IN THE WORD - By Philip Mauro Attorney at Law, New York City.

Chapter 27 IS THERE A GOD? - By Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M.A., D.D., Killmarnock, Scotland.

Chapter 28 GOD IN CHRIST THE ONLY REVELATION OF THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD - By Robert E. Speer, Secretary of The Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., New York City.

Chapter 29 THE DEITY OF CHRIST - By Professor Benjamin B. Warfield, D. D., LL.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey.

Chapter 30 THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST - By Rev. Professor James Orr, D. D., United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chapter 31 THE GOD-MAN - By the Late John Stock.

Chapter 32 THE PERSON AND WORK OF JESUS CHRIST - From “Some Recent Phases of German Theology,” By Bishop Nuelsen, D. D., M. E. Church, Omaha, Nebraska.



Chapter 35 THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE SONS OF GOD - By Rev. W. J. Erdman, D. D., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 36 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CONVERSION AND APOSTLESHIP OF ST. PAUL - By Lord Lyttelton, Analyzed and Condensed by Revelation J. L. Campbell, D. D., Cambridge, Mass.

Chapter 37 CHRISTIANITY NO FABLE - By Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M.A., D. D., Kilmarnock, Ayreshire, Scotland.

Chapter 38 THE BIBLICAL CONCEPTION OF SIN - By Thomas Whitelaw, M. A., D. D., Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Chapter 39 PAUL’S TESTIMONY TO THE DOCTRINE OF SIN - By Professor Charles B. Williams, B. D., Ph. D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.

Chapter 40 SIN AND JUDGMENT TO COME - By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., L. L. D., London, England.

Chapter 41 WHAT CHRIST TEACHES CONCERNING FUTURE RETRIBUTION - By William C. Proctor; F. Ph., Croydon, England.

Chapter 42 THE ATONEMENT - By Professor Franklin Johnson, D. D., L. L. D. Author of “Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament,” etc., Chicago, Ill.

Chapter 43 AT-ONE-MENT, BY PROPITIATION -By Dyson Hague, M. A., Vicar of The Church of the Epiphany, Toronto, Canada. Canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral. London, Ontario (1908-1912).

Chapter 44 THE GRACE OF GOD- By C. I. Scofield, D. D., Editor “Scofield Reference Bible.”

Chapter 45 SALVATION BY GRACE - By Thomas Spurgeon, London, England.

Chapter 46 THE NATURE OF REGENERATION -By Thomas Boston (1676-1732).

Chapter 47 REGENERATION, CONVERSION, REFORMATION - By George W. Lasher. D. D., L. L. D., Author of “Theology for Plain People.” Cincinnati, Ohio.

Chapter 48 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH -By H. C. G. Moule, Bishop of Durham, Durham England.

Chapter 49 THE DOCTRINES THAT MUST BE EMPHASIZED IN SUCCESSFUL EVANGELISM - By Evangelist L. W. Munhall, M.A., D. D., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 50 PREACH THE WORD - By the Late Howard Crosby, Chancellor of the University of the City of New York.

Chapter 51 PASTORAL AND PERSONAL EVANGELISM, OR WINNING MEN TO CHRIST ONE BY ONE - By John Timothy Stone, D.D., Chicago, Illinois, Ex-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.

Chapter 52 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL’S TRUE EVANGELISM - By Charles Gallaudet Trumbull, Editor “Sunday School Times,” Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 53 THE PLACE OF PRAYER IN EVANGELISM - By R. A. Torrey, D. D., Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

Chapter 54 FOREIGN MISSIONS, OR WORLD-WIDE EVANGELISM - By Robert E. Speer, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A.

Chapter 55 A MESSAGE FROM MISSIONS - By Charles A. Bowen, A.M., Ph. D., Olympia, Washington.

Chapter 56 WHAT MISSIONARY MOTIVES SHOULD PREVAIL? - By Henry W. Frost, Director for North Ammerica of the China Inland Mission. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 57 CONSECRATION - By Henry W. Frost, Director for North America of the China Inland Mission. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 58 IS ROMANISM CHRISTIANITY? (Catholic church)- By T. W. Medhurst, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chapter 59 ROME, THE ANTAGONIST OF THE NATION - By J. M. Foster, Boston, Massachusetts.

Chapter 60 THE TRUE CHURCH- By the late Bishop Ryle.


Chapter 62 THE PURPOSES OF THE INCARNATION - By G. Campbell Morgan, D. D., Pastor of Westminster Chapel, London, England.

Chapter 63 TRIBUTES TO CHRIST AND THE BIBLE BY BRAINY MEN NOT KNOWN AS ACTIVE CHRISTIANS - “Their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges,” Deuteronomy 32:31.

Chapter 64 MODERN PHILOSOPHY - By Philip Mauro, Attorney-at-Law. New York City.

Chapter 65 THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD - By David James Burrell, D.D., L.L. D. Minister of the Marble Collegiate Church, New York City.

Chapter 66 THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD - By A. W. Pitzer, D. D., L.L. D., Salem, Virgina.

Chapter 67 THE SCIENCE OF CONVERSION - H. M. Sydenstricker, Ph.D., West Point, Mississippi.

Chapter 68 THE DECADENCE OF DARWINISM - By Henry H. Beach, Grand Junction, Colorado.

Chapter 69 THE PASSING OF EVOLUTION - By Professor George Frederick Wright, D. D., L.L. D., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.

Chapter 70 EVOLUTIONISM IN THE PULPIT- By an Occupant of the Pew.

Chapter 71 THE CHURCH AND SOCIALISM- By Professor Charles R. Erdman, D. D., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey.

Chapter 72 MILLENIAL DAWN: A COUNTERFEIT OF CHRISTIANITY (watchtower, Jehovah’s Witnesses)- By Professor William G. Moorehead, D. D., United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio.

Chapter 73 MORMONISM: ITS ORIGIN, CHARACTERISTICS AND DOCTRINES - By R. G. McNiece, D. D., for twenty years prior to 1897, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Chapter 74. EDDYISM, COMMONLY CALLED “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - By Maurice E. Wilson, D. D., Dayton, Ohio.

Chapter 75 MODERN SPIRITUALISM BRIEFLY TESTED BY SCRIPTURE (channeling)- By Algernon J. Pollock. Weston-Super-Mare, England.

Chapter 76 SATAN AND HIS KINGDOM - By Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Leicester, England.

Chapter 77 WHY SAVE THE LORD’S DAY? - By Daniel Hoffman Martin. D. D., Glens Falls, New York.

Chapter 78 APOLOGETIC VALUE OF PAUL’S EPISTLES - By E. J.Stobo. Jr., B. A., S. T. D.

Chapter 79 DIVINE EFFICACY OF PRAYER- By Arthur T. Pierson, D.D.


Chapter 81 OUR LORD’S TEACHINGS ABOUT MONEY - By Arthur T. Pierson, D.D.

Chapter 82 THE SCRIPTURES - By A. C. Dixon. D. D. Pastor Metropolitan Tabernacle Church, London, England.

Chapter 83 WHAT THE BIBLE CONTAINS FOR THE BELIEVER- By George F. Pentecost, D. D., Darien, Connecticut.

Chapter 84 THE HOPE OF THE CHURCH- By John McNicol, B. A., B. D., Principal of the Toronto Bible Training School.

Chapter 85 THE COMING OF CHRIST - By Professor Charles R. Erdman. D. D., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey.

Chapter 86 THE TESTIMONY OF CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE - By President E. Y. Mullins. D. D., L.L. D.Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.

Chapter 87 A PERSONAL TESTIMONY - By Howard A. Kelly, M.D.

Chapter 88 A PERSONAL TESTIMONY - By H. W. Webb-Peploe. Vicar of St. Paul’s. Onslow Square. London, and Prebendary of St. Paul’s Cathedral.


Chapter 90 A PERSONAL TESTIMONY - By Philip Mauro. Attorney-at- Law, New York City.

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