- Buriatia. Errusiako
errepublika autonomoa, Siberia hegoaldean, Baikal
lakuaren ondoan. Azalera: 351.300 km2. Biztanleak: milioi
bat. Hiriburua: Ulan-Ude (315.000 biz.). Etniak: Buriatak
(%23), errusiarrak (%72). Errepublikatik kanpo ere badira
Buriatak Errusian, guztira 422.000 (1990ean), horietarik
%90 hiztunak. Buriaten beste eskualde ezagutu bat
Aga-Buriaten distritu autonomoa da. Buriaten hizkuntza
mongoleraren ahaide hurbila da. Mongolian ere 47.000
inguru buriat daude (1985). Erlijioa: Buriatak nagusiki
budistak dira.
- In Russia there are
318,000 mother tongue speakers (90%) of Buryat, out of an
ethnic population of 422,000 (1990). Most of them live in
the Buryat Republic, in South Siberia around Lake Baykal.
This republic of 351,300 sq km has 1 million inhabitants,
only 23% of them Buryat, the rest mostly Russians (%72).
The Capital is Ulan-Ude. Other Buryat area is the nearby
Aga-Buryat Autonomous District. There are also 47,500 in
Mongolia (1985). Buryat is a language close to Mongolian,
and as their relatives, Buryats are buddhists.