Komi Errepubilka
- Zirian edo berezko
Komiak bizi dira Komi Errepublikan (415.900 km2,
hiriburua Syktyvkar) eta inguruetan. 1989 an 291.500
Komi ziren beren Errepublikan, 336,400 guztira
(hiztunak %76.1). Errusiarren migrazio masiboak
gutxiengo bihurtu ditu. 1926an %85 ziren beren
herrian, 1989an soilik %23. Vorkuta bezalako gune
industrualetan %1 inguru. Komi Errepublika izan da
lehen eskualde Fino-Ugriarra Errusian non hizkuntzak
ofizialtasuna lortu duen Errusieraren pare. Ikusteko
dago horrek mintzaira benetan indartuko duen.
Republic (Zyryan)
- The Zyryan Komis
or simply Zyryans live in the Republic of Komi
(415,900 sq. km., capital city Syktyvkar) and in the
surrounding regions, on the Kola Peninsula, in the
Nenets Autonomous District of the Archangelsk Province
and in many different places in Siberia. In the upper
reaches of the Kama river live the Kirov Permyaks of
Zyuzdin Komis. In 1989 there were 291,500 Komis in
their republic, 336,400 in total (speakers 76.1%).
Massive immigration of Russians to the Komi territory
has reduced them to a minority. In 1926 they were 85%,
in 1989, just 23%. In industrial centers like Vorkuta
they are 1%. The Komi Republic has been the first
Finno-Ugrian area of Russia where the local language
was instituted as the official language parallelly
with Russian. It is not clear it this will inforce the
language enough.