Quettie Lesson 2

Quettie Lesson 2

Where I have written á, é, í, ó, ú, I hope that you see the vowels a, e, i, o, u with an accent on them.


Quenya English
Aiya! Hail!
Mainen linna aselye? How goes it with you?
Mára! (faike, úmára) Good! (bad, not good)
Mainen linna as-meldelya? How is your friend?
Meldinya ná mára
hantelye kestien.
My friend is fine,
thank you for asking.
Ma merelye kuiveyulda? Would you like some coffee?
Merin ringe hocolatil ohteandóle,
I would like some cold chocolate eggnog,
Nin, iminqua! Me, too!
Ma tultielye i parmar? Have you brought the books?
Tultien i tekil erio. I have brought only a pen.
Malimbe tekili tultielye? How many pens did you bring?
Si na kamillo quettie! This is silly!


faike `bad' mára `good, useful, fit'
hantelye `thank you' mer- `wish, desire'
iminqua `the same' nin `for me, to me'
iquista `please' parma `book'
kamillo `large poppy' quettie `speech'
kest- `ask' ringe `cold'
linn- `go' tekil `pen'
mainen `how, by what means' interrogative tult- `bring' (tul- `come')
malimba `how many' interrogative úmára `not good'

Other notes: This conversation is based on the important things that needed to be discussed at the meetings where we get together to practice Quenya at a café.
kuiveyulda `coffee' was coined by Andy Mariani and means "wake-up drink"
hocolatil `chocolate' is based on how Elves might pronounce the original Aztec word.
ohteandóle `eggnog' is formed from ohte `egg' plus ndóle `head' or possibly `noggin.' I made it up.
kamillo quettie `silly' or `silliness' is actually "poppy talk."

Lisa Star

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Tyalie Tyelellieva / LisaStar@earthling.net / written January 2002

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