Page ONE: Novak: Rude, Hateful, Bitter Troll

Content this page: Updated May 6, 1999

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Novak=Rude, Hateful, Bitter, Troll

Gary Novak, also known as Gary No-Brain:

The Rude Bitter Troll

Novak's Baby Picture

(Novak's Baby Picture)

"Mr." Novak’s hate and bitterness are quite evident at his website.

Side Note:

While I recognize that "Mr." Novak is a Troll, I will from time to time utilize a term that is used to address human males. I seek to acknowledge Gary Novak's "Troll-ish-ness" despite the fact that I am using a term of human address by placing said human address, (the abbreviation of the word Mister), into quotes; hence-- "Mr."

In other words, if "Mr." Novak were a human being and not a Troll, there would be no quote marks around the "Mr."

I also do this as a favor to "Mr." Novak, as I realize how much pleasure he derives from seeing abbreviations placed within quotations (e.g. he likes to place the abbreviation Dr. into quotes).

He loves quote marks, so here are some more:

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

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Anyway. "Mr." Novak has made some sort of pathetic career over the past year or so of covering, and then insulting, (a la Ad Hominem), those who have websites which express a disagreement with Mormonism.

Yes, this idiotic WEENIE actually has a backlog, an archive, of articles going back a year or more in which he hurls insults toward those who would DARE disagree with his religious beliefs. Check it out for yourself: How Gary; spends-- I mean WASTES-- his time!

In the world of narrow minded trolls such as Gary Novak, only HE is allowed to have and express an opinion. Or, to put it more accurately, NON-Mormons are not allowed to have negative opinions or conclusions about Mormonism. One has to be a tried and true Mormon to criticize Mormonism: the Non-Mormon world is just too inept and stupid to understand and critique Mormonism, No-Brain would have us believe.

Troll at BYU

A Mormon Troll at the B.Y.U. Campus

--Notice, however, that this concept does not stop "Mr." Gary No-Brain and some within the Mormon community from "criticizing" any who disagree with their religion. Peterson and buddies run down James White’s Calvinist/Reformed beliefs; they run down Christian beliefs (as can be seen in the e-mails from Peterson to Dr. White at Dr. White's website), etc. See How Some Mormons Insult Christians and Christian Beliefs!

Thus, according to the double standards frequently used by "Mr." No-Brain and "Dr." Psycho-son, if a Christian expresses disdain for LDS teachings, then this person is called an "Anti-Mormon." However, when some "Latter Day Saints," that is, Mormons, trash or ridicule Christian beliefs and Christian people (they especially like to rag on Baptists), they would no doubt recoil at being termed "anti-Christian," "anti-Baptist," etc., when in fact, that IS precisely what they are.

Karate Troll

Pictured above, we see Gary No Brain in his lame attempt to "impress the chicks" by taking karate in hopes of being seen as a real "macho he-man" troll.

(NOTE: I am referring to ONLY those hateful rude Mormon trolls such as Novak and Peterson; *I do not believe that ALL Mormons are hateful, rude Trolls*).

Because "Mr." Novak has trouble grasping even simple concepts such as these mentioned above, he has more than earned the name No-Brain and Troll.

No-Brain’s standard approach, as well as Daniel Peterson’s, is to dismiss the substance of the points raised by those who disagree with Mormonism by referring to these individuals as being "Anti-Mormon." Yes, in customary fashion, the person’s points are ignored but the person is vilified and insulted.

This is in no doubt because "Mr." Novak, "Dr." Peterson and Like-Minded Friends are Brain Dead and thus lack the intellect to actually deal with arguments and not the arguer. Interestingly, the few times that these people do attempt to deal with issues, they badly misquote their sources. By a creative use of ellipses and brackets, and their "editing scissors," some Mormon writers have shrewdly misrepresented the views of others, (especially those of the early church fathers, e.g., Irenaeus), to make it appear as though the writers of these sources supported Mormon beliefs, (e.g. that man can supposedly become a god) when in fact, they did not.

Pictured below, to the right: Gary No-Brain on a casual dress Friday at his workplace:

Troll in Jeans

I have seen plenty of name-calling by some Mormon apologists, but not much in the way of real scholarship that would support their beliefs. Examples of Typical Shoddy Mormon "Scholarship"

Why is Mormon Scholarship shoddy-- apart from the fact that it has no solid evidence to back it up?-- due to the fact that many within the scholarly Mormon community, as well as your average Mormon apologists, do not have brains. For those rare Mormon Trolls who were born with brains, their brains are now stored in jars, where they are quite useless. Such a shame, really.

Mormon Brain in Jar (Mormon Troll Brain in Jar: Its Only Use: In the Scientific Study of How a Troll's Mind Works)

As I mention elsewhere, "Mr." Novak spends his time attacking Dr. White and not going after White's points. Rather than responding to Dr. White's points against Mormonism, how does "Mr." No - Brain respond? By making fun of Dr. White's ability at using HTML properly (among other things), of course. What THAT has to do with Mormonism is lost on me, and I am no dummy.

Novak's Junior High Yearbook Picture

Gary Novak's Junior High Yearbook Picture

This tendency to attack Non-Mormons and mask it as "having fun" is a further indication of Gary No-Brain’s twisted, sick mind.

Of course, Gary No-Brain tries to hide his Hate Agenda in the guise of --I am paraphrasing his view here-- "Well, gee, I think it’s FUNNY to pick on non-Mormons, hee hee, ho ho."

Thanks to the Fair Use Copyright Law, here you will read the words of the Rude Bitter Troll Himself, from his "Infrequently Asked Questions" webpage. Read his reply here for yourself--or-- Straight from the Horses's-- UM -- I mean TROLL'S mouth-- Should you go to the Troll's web-slight, be sure to return to this page and read my reaction to his words!

The following Question and Answer are From Novak's Website:

Q: Boy you are mean. How can you be so mean? You think you are clever but it comes off as really mean-spirited.

A: First, lighten up. The Worst is intended to poke fun at anti-Mormon sites. If you are not one of the cognoscenti of the dark world (and, I might add, soft underbelly) of anti-Mormonism, this site may come as something of a shock. Rest assured folks like Ed Decker, John L. Smith, Ankerberg and Weldon among a host of others, make their living persecuting the Saints it is what they do and is a full-time job. And if you think that they are willing to cut us the least bit of slack and "live and let live," you are likely to be mistaken. So the truth of the matter is that I do not take them very seriously. They are funny. I merely point it out.

Troll in Shorts Pictured at the Right: How Troll Gary No Brain dresses for a day at the park

I notice in the above material that "Mr." No-Brain says that his web site is intended to poke fun at anti-Mormon websites, but he went ahead and posted private e-mails that I sent to someone else-- Until now, I have never expressed my views on Mormonism on ANY website or webpage.

Before this website, I have had no website/page, but No-Brain went ahead and posted my e-mails.

This demonstrates that No-Brain is clearly hurting for the least little thing to throw on his website. He has to throw in "page-filler" because he has nothing of substance to say.

Novak and Peterson are Rude Trolls!

Additionally, I do not "persecute the Saints" (contrary to what "Mr." Novak believes, a "Saint" is simply a true believer in Jesus Christ, so this term is not limited to only one group, or one denomination), nor is commenting on Mormonism a "full-time job" for me.

Yet this rude little creep chooses to post my e-mails anyway. I am a nobody in this regard; why doesn’t he go after the Big Fish? Two reasons:

1. He is really, really hurting for material to post on his sorry web site and

2. No-Brain is obvioulsy obsessed with this whole "Anti-Mormon" issue, and he needs to get a life. He has already devoted way too much time to it.

Picture of Gary Novak as he looks Today

("Mr." Gary Novak As He Looks Today)

As he said on his "web-slight," (not to be confused with an honest to goodness, worthwhile "website"), No-Brain says that some people are "making a living persecuting the Saints," when in reality, ALL that is happening is that some people disagree with Mormonism and are saying so. No-Brain definitely has a Persecution Complex. But my hat goes off to him for his talent at writing inflammatory Propaganda.

Novak is also quite good at writing mindless drivel.

I would not call stating problems with a set of religious beliefs via articles on the net (or in books) to be "persecution" as Gary No-Brain does; Persecution is what happened to the Jews under Hitler. Persecution is what happened to the early Christians in ancient Rome. Gary No-Brain is therefore being melodramatic and trivializing the very real persecution that others have faced throughout history and still continue to face in the world today. Now, on to Page TWO and more observations of Novak's idiotic, rude antics and his possible crush on Dr. James White!

James White's Book about Mormons Buy a copy of Dr. White's book from, but be sure to ignore the temper tantrums as expressed in "book reviews" by hostile and cranky Mormon Trolls who gave this book only one star (gee, I wonder why)! We know that Trolls can't read-- hmm, must've gotten a trained chimp to write those reviews-- but when they get a whiff of anything that even remotely sounds like it might be critical of their religion, they go nuts! This book is worth reading for that alone!

exclamation point


Do not attempt to send Novak any messages via the link he has on his site which reads something to the effect of "Click here you incensed anti-Mormon you, and I will be glad to post your messages here," ---as it will lead you to a "404 File Not Found" error message page-- his idea of a joke. What can I say-- trolls are NOT funny.

Anti-Novak and Anti-Peterson Page