Refuting Mormon Beliefs


June 6, 2002: I've redesigned this page to make it easier to find the exact information you need, by categorizing different topics. I plan on adding more links in the future, time permitting.

Please note that there is a slight overlapping of categories; for example, while I have a section devoted exclusively to the Book of Mormon below, you may find other anti-Book of Mormon resources under another category, e.g., "General Information," etc.

"Ex-Trolls" Speak Out!

Files on Mormonism by Former Mormons    

(Lots of articles
at this site!)

Much to the Annoyance of Mormon Trolls:


J P Holding's Book Refuting the LDS

Buy a copy of J. P. Holding's Book About Mormonism

J. P. has already received love letters from Dan Psychoson; could love letters from Gary No-Brain arrive any day now?

You must have the Adobe Acrobat reader installed to view .pdf files. If you do not, VISIT ADOBE'S SITE, http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html, to download the reader for FREE!
James White's Book Refuting the LDS

Buy a copy of Dr. White's book from Amazon.com,

but be sure to ignore the temper tantrums as expressed in "book reviews" by hostile and cranky Mormon Trolls who gave this book only one star (gee, I wonder why)! We know that Trolls can't read-- hmm, must've gotten a trained chimp to write those reviews--, but when they get a whiff of anything that even remotely sounds like it might be critical of their religion, they go nuts! This book is worth reading for that alone!


General Information on / FAQs / History of the LDS


Mormons Are Not Christians

Article: Are Mormons Christians?
A Response to Stephen E. Robinson's 'Are Mormons Christian?'
Are Mormons Christian? --No, They Are a Cult, by Cooper Abrams
Disguising the Divide
Helping Mormons Reach Perfection (explains differences between Biblical Christianity and Mormonism)
Still Wide the Divide
Ten Reasons Why We Believe that Mormons are Not Christian
All About Mormonism.... Why, According to Christianity, Mormonism is a "Pseudo-Christian Cult"!
How To Witness to Mormons
Witnessing to Mormons: Key Elements

Mormonism: Christian or Cult?

Mormonism:Christian or Cult? (Mirror Page)

What the Mormons Don't Say
Mormons are not Protestants
Why Mormonism is Not Christian
What Are the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity?


Theology of the LDS (and it's all bad) /

Comprehensive Sites Refuting the LDS

List of articles on Mormonism at the Watchman Expositor
Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM) on Mormonism (Lots of Info here)
The Mormonism Research Ministry Home page (by evangelical Christians folks)
Mormons in Transition (Lots of Info at This Site)
Alpha and Omega on LDS
The Mormonism Research Ministry Page
Berean Christian Ministries: Mormon Studies

Philosophical Problems With the Mormon Concept of God, by F. J. Beckwith


Utah Lighthouse Ministries (Founded by the Tanners)
Concerned Christians: Reaching Out to Mormons in Love
Truth Quest: Comparing Bible Teachings Alongside Mormon Beliefs
Mormonism's Earmarks of Heresy
Jerry's LDS Info Page
An Introduction: Mormonism's Adam-God Doctrine
Answering the Challenges of Mormonism from a Biblical Perspective
Why Do We Oppose Mormonism?
Did Jesus advocate that man could become God in John 10:34? (by Ron Rhodes)
The Case Against Mormonism, Ch. 6 (Links to other sites at bottom)
Ed Decker of "Saints Alive!" Pokes Holes in Mormonism
Jesus Christ Is Lord!
Saints in Shock! (Exposing the False Teachings in Mormonism)
Don't Confuse Me With Facts. . . I Have a "Testimony"!
The Jesus Page (Exposing Mormonism)
The Mormons Are Wrong!
The Virgin Birth of Jesus: What Does the Mormon Church Teach?
The Other Christ of Mormonism
Other Problems with Mormonism, from Leadership U
Mormons are Inconsistent on Polygamy Teaching
John Hyde Book on Mormonism
John Weldon's Response to Mosser/Owens and FARMS
Missionairy Techniques Used by Mormons
Temple Ritual Altered
Questioning Mormonism
Mormonism Web Ministries
The Danger of Mormonism
Sandra and Jerald Tanner Expose the Misrepresentation by Mormons of Those who disagree with Mormonism & Their Dishonesty Kerry Shirts: An Object Lesson in Troll Illiteracy: J. P. Holding Refutes the Troll's Arguments! (near end of article, "Kerry's Carry All") "How Mormons Are Defending Their Faith" (Not Very Well It Turns Out!) Article Shows Illogical/Double Standards Used by Troll Apologists
Various Topics on Mormonism from The Christian Arsenal
Cult Proofing Your Church and Family

Cults: Mormonism, by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

Southern Baptists Take Up the Mormon Challenge



Book of Mormon and other LDS Literature is Bogus and Fake


The Bible


What Mormons Say About the Bible

Mormon Beliefs About the Bible and Salvation (from Probe Ministries)
Do Mormons Really Believe in the Bible?
How Mormons Really View the Bible


What Mormons Think of the Bible

Scripture Twisting by the Cults, by James Sire
Bible Twisting By The Cults
The Mormon Bible

Materials that Defend The Bible


The Trustworthiness of our Greek New Testament

We don't have the original Bible manuscripts - are the copies we have reliable?
Not One Jot or One Tittle
Manuscript Support for the Bible's Reliability


What About the Discovery of "Q"?

In Defense of the Bible's Inspiration
Dating the Biblical Manuscripts
Inspiration and Inerrancy

Decisive Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible

Historical Evidence for the Bible
Is the Bible Accurate?
Is the Bible Reliable? from Answers in Action

Reliability of the Bible

Are the Biblical Documents Reliable?
The Apocrypha: Inspired or Not?
The Development of the New Testament Canon
Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible
Can We Trust the Scriptures?
The Bible is the Word of God
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Integrity
Ten Reasons to Believe the Bible
Answering Sam Gibson's List of Supposed Biblical Errors
The "New" New Testament Scholarshp [of the Jesus Seminar Refuted]
Resources from Christian Answers Refuting the Jesus Seminar's Views about the Bible
Answering a List of Biblical Contradictions
Contradictions in the Bible?
How Do You Explain Errors and Contradictions in the Bible?
Bible Difficulties Answered, from Come Let Us Reason


Did Pagans Influence the New Testament?


The New Testament and Greco-Roman Mystery Religions by
Pagan Theology and the Bible
Is the Bible True? [See Question #5]

Joseph Smith and Other LDS Leaders are Frauds

Follow the Leader, from Questioning Mormonism

False Prophecies Made by Various LDS


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Rude Trolls!

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