15. An Impersonal Bible

March 3, 1998



In a message dated March 3, 1998, msnow@greensboroday.org writes:

Quoting Justin: "But true love requires me to call sin, sin, not because it's fun saying, "what you're doing is wrong in the eyes of God." But because it is the truth. Jesus could've avoided being crucified if he didn't name sin for what it was."

Msnow responds: "Who are you to say what anyone is doing in the eyes of 'god' is wrong? If 'god' really wanted me not to do something, I think he would tell me, not write it down in a confusing book with basically no relevance to my life."

And I, Tindrbox, add:

After all, it's supposed to be about a 'personal relationship', isn't it? If you ask me, I have read few things - such as stock prices and international currency conversion tables - that are so impersonal as the Bible. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, there isn't a warm feeling to be had, let alone any semblance of rationality, in the Bible anywhere. It is a sick collection of writings. Thomas Paine was one who agreed with this assessment.

I've already shed light on a few points that are indeed uncomfortable for the religionist.

However, I've only just begun to announce my objections.

So, I invite you all to stay tuned in to what I have to say in the following weeks. Be prepared to be blown away, because I have been holding back an awful lot. But I see it's time to start 'bringing it all down, man!' as I think most of you can handle it, and some of you in fact hunger for it!




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