17. Christian Justice, Pt. II

March 5, 1998


In a message dated March 4, 1998, VvJUSTINvV writes:

"Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that completely turned their back on God. He exacted judgment upon them. The Flood was a judgment against all of mankind because everyone was evil. At the end of the world, every soul will be judged. These are hardly examples of genocide. They are examples of God's judgment. He who created has the right to take life."

I certainly prefer the American system (as it appears in the books, anyhow), where man is innocent until proven guilty.

This is certainly a far more civilized and ethical approach to the problem of dealing with crime, genuine crimes, that is.

But I ask Justin, and any other individual who accepts this depraved notion of justice:

Just when did 'God' hold any kind of trial on the souls of these allegedly 'evil' people? What were their crimes? Who were the witnesses to these crimes? Did the accused have a chance to speak in their own defense? Where was due process?


Is this 'omnibenevolent' 'God' of love and mercy (???) also judge, jury and executioner all in one?

Is this JUSTICE, Christian style?

If so, it is no wonder to me how religion has corrupted men everywhere, when these are the examples of 'justice' as written by some priestly elites. And individuals still by in to this…. CRAP today!

Justin, in all due respect, I must still confess my judgment, that the very notion of your 'God' is an INSULT to every respectable human being that ever lived!

Your religion triumphs at the enslavement of man!

I have no desire to spend an eternity worshipping such trash!

Good day.




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