May 20, 1998
In a message dated May 20, 1998 HOWARD8984 writes:
Quoting Bsmith: "Yet you still reject the ‘wacko’ claims of Mormonism… doesn’t sound internally consistent to me."
Howard responds: "The emphasis of the argument is between a personal God or no God."
Wrong, Howard. The emphasis of the original question was, quote: "What set of axioms and presuppositions enables you to reject all BUT ONE version of supernaturalism?"
In other words, BY WHAT PRINCIPLE do you accept your god-belief claim and reject all other claims of god-belief? Can you identify any one principle by which you can argue that YOUR supernaturalist claims are TRUE and ALL OTHERS FALSE???? Can this PRINCIPLE be applied consistently to ALL SUPERNATURAL CLAIMS and find ALL BUT CHRISTIANITY false??
(For bonus points: please define the word ‘principle’ as the Bible would define it, if the concept were part of biblical epistemology. Cite book, chapter and verse.)
(Oh, that’s right!! The Bible only "sets parameters" of epistemology, not the pesky "details" such as axioms, concepts, method and principles. How ignorant of me!!)
Howard retorts: "Mormonism at least adheres to a personal God."
Mark (msnow@greensboroday.org) was kind enough to include in a recent post a copy of a document he found on the net regarding the doctrines of New Age Christianity. This religion, so it seems from what I’ve learned about it, also ‘adheres to a personal god’ (whatever that is; Howard has successfully evaded defining this ‘concept’ - if in fact this ‘concept’ is legitimate - Is it legitimate? I don’t know. Howard has not defined it, nor has he demonstrated how this notion can indeed be considered legitimate. The question then would be: Howard, how do you define ‘legitimate’? And so on..... stupid me!!)
What is the difference between a ‘personal god’ and just a ‘god’??? Hmmmmm......
Howard states: "The differences are points of Theology."
You mean those pesky "details" which human believers (so-called ‘Christian philosophers’) come along and fill in where the Bible is completely silent or at best entirely vague?
Howard continues: "…of which I may ask what standard would you use to decide which is the correct position: Christianity or Mormonism."
Another false dichotomy: supernaturalism or supernaturalism???
More Howardian drivel: "This is a whole other area of debate."
No, not in this instance, not at all! The original question was.... (see above!).
If you don’t want to answer it, JUST SAY SO!!
Howard states: "One of which, I have spent considerable time in with Mormons."
Ahhh!! Do I hear the hint of ‘argument from experience’????
Checkmate AGAIN,
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