My expectations...



so, you were thinking that I have

no further expectations ...




Haim Azuz, Israel



wrong !


I have so many that it is extremely difficult to tell...

So, bit by bit, you will know about


Then, some of my expectations are ...



That you're still being patient enough to keep peeping at this page from time to time, as it is intended to evolve as time goes by


That I can find the time I need to respond to your kind messages as soon as you would like


That you kindly respond to the simple question that you will be asked in the page

"What about this Homepage"


That you understand the real purpose of this Webpage, and send the feedback I need to support my project


That you will not misinterpret the real intention behind this project


That this project might become OUR project


That OUR project will gain force enough to help Humanity to recover from self-destructive insanity


That this computer won't die before I can afford a new one

(in my place, this kind of stuff is very costly)

(or this is my earnings being too low)

(that's it... low earnings must be the problem)

(and the beastie I need upgrading to won't cost me less than the equivalent to US $ ... Let's forget)




Built a new one about one year ago.

It's turning kind of obsolete again...




I have further expectations but, being strictly personal, this is not the right place to tell about...


Well... Why not, after all ?


Feeling lonely, lately.

Missing my soul mate ...



Hard to find, but not impossible, right ?

My soulmate has to be that special one, a rare pearl.

Not anyone is lucky enough to find a pearl.

Also, one has to dive very deep when looking for pearls.


Diving deep is dangerous.

In fact, you can even die, and find no pearl at all !


Then, when you dive in the abyss of the Internet looking for a pearl, you must be aware of illusions and ambushes that abound all over.



See what I mean ?





Anyway, as this page will evolve, I'll let you know more


so, I'll still working on


come back again, will you ?

Thanks a lot !