What I dislike the most...



it required profound meditation,

but i've got to some conclusions



Haim Azuz, Israel



So, I decided that what I dislike the most is:


Rude people


Apathetic people excessively devoted to their own concerns






Drugs business


Racism, whatever the colour may be


Fanaticism, regardless the object


Xenophoby, whatever the motivations might be


Disregard for human life


Selfish and egocentric people


Politicians who become amnesic the day after the election


Also politicians who don't hesitate promising what they indubitably know they will never do


Again, politicians who want power for power only

(... whilst getting wealthy and powerful)


Yet, politicians who cannot recognize (or refuse to recognize) when to fade out


Redundant people who keeps wasting time complaining about such politicians


Those who forgot how much their loving parents did for them


Anyone who cannot realize that giving to a child one hour of love, caring attention and limitless tenderness is much more worthy than the most expensive toy


People who dare to criticize other people's behavior without trying to criticize themselves in the first place


Someone who drinks indiscriminately from any fountain, no matter how good the waters might be


Noisy gangs playing what they call "music", but has nothing to do with music; packs of dogs barking loud can do much better with much lesser disturbance

(and no side effects, such as deafness, irresponsible sex valorization, incitement to violence, drugs consumption, etc.) ...

but dogs don't become outrageously rich just by barking ...

... to my knowledge, as far as I can recall...


Empty singers singing empty songs and selling it to empty audiences...

...whilst filling their bank accounts well


Abstract loony (or rather smart..) and most untalented plastic artists (I mean "plastic", really) who insist proposing to uncultured but moneyed plastic people unworthy senseless and inaesthetic objects


Having headache due to overtyping at this keyboard



I promess I'll finish it soon ...

... assuming that such a list can possibly reach an end !



but I'll keep working on, anyway


come back later, will you ?

Thanks a lot !