What I like the most...



Well, I gave it a deep thought !


"The Thinker"

(Auguste René Rodin, France, 1840-1917)


and came to the conclusion that

what i like the most is ...



Nice people most concerned about our common destiny


Kind persons always ready to care for those who are in need


Anyone who knows how to understand, tolerate and forgive his brother's misdeeds


Those who are not willing to gain advantage from their opponents weaknesses


People who's ready to admit that we cannot be always right


Those who don't dare to judge their fellow-creatures according to their own personal interests, preferences or motivations


Someone who is well aware that his own freedom must be limited to the exact point where other people's freedom begins


Anyone who understands that human rights are common to us all, but we all are also supposed to respect each one's human rights


Those who are conscious that one should not claim his rights prior to fulfil his duties


People capable of loving animals without looking down upon human beings


He or she who understands that giving love should be an unconditional disposition to share limitlessly


Those who are available to own a little less, to allow others to have a little some


Drivers who don't hesitate stopping their cars as an animal is crossing the road before them


Animals, let it be pets, domestic or wild


My much beloved Mom, my Sister, my niece, my grandnephew, my friends, most of my neighbors, my fellow-citizens, my People and most of Mankind


Those who are complacent enough to pay a visit to my homepages and keep coming again and again until the Web dies

(this will happen someday, like it or not...)



But I also like the most


Listening quietly to the masterpieces of the great composers brought to my eager soul by great performers

My preferred ones are

Albinoni, Vivaldi, J. S. Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Lizst, Wagner, Mahler ...

well, I love them all, even Prokofiev, Stravinsky and Gershwin, all of those immortal geniouses whose legacy is among the brightest expressions of Humanity at its best.

I have nearly 500 records in my book-shelves.

A great many of these are historical records of magnificently performed concerts so, I'm planning to copy at least these jewels to CD's, once I'll have enough of available time...

Plenty of time, for sure !

Among my favourite records, there is also a growing deal of ancient music, from Greek (fragments) and Jewish Sacred music through Gregorian Chorals, Gothic, Middle Age Chansonniers and Renaissance


Visiting museums and lingeringly trying to absorb the whole beauty of the masterpieces generously legated to the poor the most of us are by talented artists such as Giotto, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens, Michelangelo, Renoir, Van Gogh, Rodin ...

Unfortunately, as I am nothing of a wealthy person so, there are no paintings (nor even reproductions) or sculptures in my home

All along the time I lived in Paris (almost 5 years), I visited the Museum of the Louvre more than 100 times, not to mention other great museums, the Chateaux of the Loire and many other wonderful places overcharged with Art and History


Many of my Sunday nights in Paris were reserved to attend to operatic spectacles at the Opera of Paris, as well as many Thursday nights, when the Opera schedules Ballet




But we are not supposed to feed our soul only.


This is why I like eating, too ...

While usually being quite frugal, I like to play a good knife-and-fork performance from time to time, even at home. My preferences go to our tasty mediterranean cooking, most recommended by doctors as one of the healthiest.

Sorry, cannot proceed on this subject, for my mouth is watering ...



This page is not finished yet

(I wonder if this will be finished, some day)

So, please bear and forbear ...



come back later, will you ?

Thanks a lot !