What about this Homepage ?


Yes, you might be wondering what this homepage is about.


And I will tell you that this might be the birth of a project.


I, Mario, am right now entering the ranks of Third Age people. And extremely proud of it.


Most of my life has been spent designing, developing and materializing concrete schemes, in various fields of human activities, quite successfully, I might say without false modesty.


Also soothing many nice dreams... most of them lost in the mist of my fidgety imagination.


In this new stage of my life, I am not ready yet to freeze and passively keep watching Life passing before my eyes, just ageing more and more until my last moment in this temporary place.


I am quite sure that a great majority of Third Age people shares the same feelings.


Furthermore, a great many of us, Third Age people, had a so endowing life that it would be extremely regrettable to fritter away our knowledge, our experience and (why not ?) our wisdom, all of it acquired with great effort, indefectible engagement and objectiveness.


As we contemplate this world around us, we can see very clearly how much the new generations are in great need of valid and solid reference points related to almost every aspect of life.


I am not conceited to the point that I intend to detain the whole truth, or any truth at all, but I am strongly convinced that many of us, aging people, legitimately might claim that we have acquired and are still retaining some worthy pieces of universal wisdom.


This is my most imperative statement that we, Third Age people, have a duty to fulfil with regard to those who are now struggling to achieve in this world.


The new generations are nowadays facing many destructive forces, such as limitless greed, epidemic corruption and outrageously unscrupulous manipulating lifestyles widely suggested and even effectively imposed by those who are nothing but the scum of mankind.


We and our ancestors have contributed to build a progressive civilization based on solid values. Our civilization was built with sweat, blood and tears.


Many of the new values are replacing the old ones, thus leading Humanity back to a new Dark Age, possibly even to annihilation.


It has already happened before, when brilliant civilizations built along many centuries with great effort and sacrifice were corroded and destroyed as peoples embraced some rather libertarian lifestyles.


We are the heirs of those ancient civilizations, and we all should be proud of the good things we received from them by inheritance, while paying attention to the errors that led such civilizations to destruction and doing our best to avoid the repetition of destructive facts of history.


This is our responsibility to do everything we can to help changing things.


Help our children to fight such forces and build a better World is our most demanding duty.


If we want to unite, we will have the strength to help them.


This is the project. Would you like to participate ?


This homepage might be a seed. This is up to us all to make this seed germinate.


Give it a deep thought.


And, if you like, feel free to express your opinion.