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~Welcome to My Tragic Kingdom~

~You Have Entered My~
~Ancient Mythology Website~


~Last Updated October 29th, 2002~
~Best if viewed with 1024x768 screen resolution~

~Welcome, Visitor!~ Look into the Magic Crystal Ball! ~Welcome, Visitor!~


~Acheron to Azreal~~Baal to Bukadawin~~Cacus to Cythera~~Dactyls to Dyaus~~Earth to Eye of Horus~~Fafnir to Fylgie~~Gaea to Gripir~~Hades to Hyperion~

~Iacchus to Ixion~~Jamshid to Jupiter~~Kama to Kubera~~Lachesis to Lycomedes~~Mænalus to Mysterious Three~~Naiads to Nymphs~~Oceanids to Otus~~Pachacamac to Python~~Quetzalcoatl to Quirinus~~Ra to Romulus~

~Saturn to Styx~~Tantalus to Tyr~~Ulysses to Utgard-Loki~~Valhalla to Vulcan~~Woden to Wooden Horse~~Xanthus to Xuthus~~Yacatecutli to Ymir~~Zamzam to Zeus~

~Thank you for coming to my site! I hope you enjoy
everything! Click on the letter that is the first letter of the
mythological (god, goddess, place, creature) that you are
inquiring about and you will see a page filled with info
about everything starting with that letter. Look around! If
you feel that I've left something out, e-mail me and I
will research it and add it as soon as possible. Please don't
run off without signing my guest book! Thanks! -Circe~


Hello everyone! It's been a while since you've heard from me!
I've just been busy with work and with my husband, Jacob.
I haven't updated this site in so long that it's pathetic!
I need a new color scheme and background! Things are so
different in web page designing these days! I need to get
with the program! Well, I hope that you can find everything
here that you need. If not, then let me know and
I'll try to help you the best that I can. Thanks!

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~Once was a magical place, over time it was lost. Price
increased the cost. Now the fortune of the kingdom is locked
up in its dungeon vaults. The castle floor lies in traps
with coiled wires set back, decoyed by old cheese. Now the
drawbridge has been lifted as the millions, they drop to their
knees. -No Doubt, My Tragic Kingdom~


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