Earth- See Gaea.
Earth-Namer- Earth-namer or Codoyanape, in some Indian legends, is represented as working with Coyote to prepare the earth for the first people. Defeated by the tricky Coyote, he withdrew to the bright Eastern-land after the coming of men. See Italapas.
Eblis- The name given by the Arabians to the prince of the apostate angels whom they represent as exiled to the infernal regions for refusing to worship Adam at the command of God. Eblis alleged, in justification of his refusal, that he himself had been formed of ethereal fire, while Adam was only a creature of clay. See Azazel.
Ecgtheow- Father to Beowulf, he was a hero that wanted to kill Grendel, an ogre.
Echidna- A terrible monster that was half woman, half serpent. She was the mate of Typhon and after he was killed by Zeus, she fled to a cave where she gave birth to Cerberus, the Nemean Lion, Chimera, Ladon, Sphinx, and the dreaded Hydra. She devoured all that crossed her path but was eventually killed by Argus.
Echo- A fair and gay nymph who chattered all day long. Pan fell in love with Echo and tried to win her love the best way that he knew how to, with his music and poetry. But Echo was never quiet long enough to hear Pans' beautiful song. One day when Hera came to look for Zeus, Echo kept her so long that Zeus was able to get away before Hera noticed. After Hera found out about this, she was so angry that she punished Echo by allowing her to never speak her own words again, but just to repeat the words of others. Also, see Narcissus.
Egeria- A nymph from whom King Numa Pompilius received his instructions respecting the forms of public worship which he established in Rome.
Egia- One of the nine beautiful giantesses seen by Odin along the seashore, known as wave maidens. Her son became guardian of Bifröst, the rainbow bridge.
Egil- A giant in Norse mythology. Thor left his goats in the care of Egil while he went to secure a kettle in which to brew ale for the gods.
Eira- An attendant of the goddess Frigga, and a skillful nurse. She gathered curative herbs and plants and taught the science to women.
Elbegast- King of the dwarfs in Scandinavian mythology, who dwelt in a magnificent underground palace and drew their servants from the earth above.
Electra- The daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. She helped her brother, Orestes in avenging the murder of their father by their mother and Aegisthus. She was one of the Pleiades and the wife of Pylades.
Eleusinian Mysteries- Mysterious rites that Demeters' worshippers were initiated into. They were professed to bear the secret of the earth's fertility.
Eleusis- Location, close to Athens, where Persephone was kidnapped by Hades.
Elf- The water sprite, known also as Elb, from which the name of the river Elbe is said to be derived. Elves are more property known as mountain fairies or those airy creatures that dance on the grass or sit on the leaves of trees and revel in the light of the full moon.
Elis- Kingdom of Pelops, after he overtook the throne from Oenomaüs.
Elivagar- In Norse mythology, the name of an ice-filled river in Chaos, flowing from a fountain in the land of mist.
Elysian Fields- In Greek mythology, the land of the blessed where heroes went after death. Evildoers were sent to live in Tartarus. Also known as Elysium.
Embla- In Norse mythology, the name of the first Woman, so called because the gods made her of an embla, “elder,” as they made man of an aske, “ash.”
Enceladus- A Titan, son of Terra, and the most powerful of all the giants who conspired against Zeus and attempted to scale heaven. He was struck by Zeus’ thunderbolts and chained beneath Mount Etna.
Endymion- A young shepherd who was dearly loved by Selene. See Selene.
Enipeus- A fabled river in Thessaly. Poseidon assumed the form of the god of this river in order to obtain possession of Tyro, who was in love with Enipeus. She became the mother of Pelias and Neleus.
Enyo- 1) One of the gray maidens, or hoary witches. 2) Daughter of Mars, a goddess of war, who delights in bloodshed and destruction of towns, and accompanies Mars in battles.
Eos- In Greek mythology, the goddess of dawn. She was the mother of the four winds. One morning, she saw a prince waking from sleep and automatically fell in love with him. His name was Tithonus. But since she was a goddess, she was immortal and she knew that this mortal man would eventually die. She wanted him to be immortal like herself so that they could live happily together. So she asked Zeus to grant him eternal life and so he did. But Eos had forgotten a very important fact. Zeus granted Tithonus eternal life, but not eternal youth, so he grew wrinkled and old, yet continued to live. He eventually shriveled up so much that he turned into a grasshopper. Eos put him into a basket and hid him in a corner of her palace.
Epaphus- The son of Zeus and Io, born in the river Nile, after the long wanderings of his mother. He became king of Egypt and built Memphis.
Ephialtes- A giant almost sixty feet tall, he was the son of Poseidon. It was predicted in an oracle that he nor his brother, Otus could be killed by god or mortal. Trying to overthrow Zeus, the two brothers called to him and told him to move out of Olympus and to take the other Olympians with him. But Otus wanted Artemis for his bride and Ephialtes wanted Hera. Zeus, angered at the two giants, hurled his thunderbolts at them. But they just bounced right off of the giants and Ares charged at them but they just grabbed him and stuffed him into a jar for thirteen months. Artemis then offered herself to Otus on the island of Naxos. This made Ephialtes jealous and then ensued a fight between the brothers. Artemis then changed herself into a white doe and artfully jumped back and forth as they both drew their arrows on it. She cleverly jumped between the two and they shot each other.
Epimetheus- The brother of Prometheus, his name means "afterthought." After the battles of the gods, the earth had been totally ravaged the existence of all living creatures ceased. Zeus gave Epimetheus and his wise brother the task of repopulating the Earth. Zeus gave the two brothers many gifts to give their creations. Epimetheus quickly made all the animals out of clay and gave all the gifts to them leaving Prometheus with no gifts to give the humans. Also, he fell in love with and married Pandora, a very unwise decision. See Pandora and Prometheus.
Epona- In Celtic mythology, she was known as the "great queen". She had power of the underworld, but she also cared about crops, domestic animals, fertility, etc. She was associated with horses most of all, though.
Erato- The Greek muse of lyrics.
Erebus- A name applied to the dark and gloomy space under the earth through which the souls of the dead were obliged to pass on their way to Hades, with which it and Tartarus are often synonymous.
Erichthonos- The first king of Athens.
Erinyes- See Furies.
Eris- The goddess of discord; a sister of Mars, and a daughter of Night; identified with the Roman Discordia.
Eros- The son of Aphrodite and Hermes, with whom the Romans identified Cupid. See Cupid.
Erymanthian Boar- One of the ten labors that Hercules was to perform was to catch the Erymanthian boar and bring him to Eurystheus alive. This boar was very wild with dreadfully sharp tusks. Hercules, being stronger than the boar, pushed and rolled the boar all the way back to Mycenæ.
Erytheis or Erythea- One of the daughters of Night, appointed to guard the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides.
Esangetuh Emissee- ”Master of Breath.” A chief deity of the Creek Indians.
Eteocles- A son of Oedipus, he fought with his brother, Polynices, over the throne at Thebes that his father had abandoned. They did not care about their father and his sufferings. See Polynices.
Eumæus- The faithful swineherd of Ulysses, whom Ulysses consulted upon his return to Ithaca.
Eumenides- A euphemistic name given by the Greeks to the Erinyes, or Furies. They are represented as the daughters of Earth, or of Night, and as fearful winged maidens, with serpents twined in their hair and with blood dripping from their eyes. They dwelt in the depths of Tartarus, dreaded by gods and men.
Euphorbus- The son of Panthous and one of the bravest of the Trojans. He was slain by Menelaus, who dedicated his victim’s shield in the temple of Hera near Mycenæ. Pythagoras asserted that he had once been Euphorbus, and in proof of his assertion took down at first sight the shield from the temple of Hera.
Euphrosyne- One of the three Graces. She represented joy, as her sisters stood for splendor and for pleasure.
Europa- Daughter of the Phœnician king Agenor, or, according to the Iliad, daughter of Phœnix. Zeus in the form of a bull carried her on his back across the sea to Crete, where by him she became the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon.
Eurus- In Greek mythology, he was the East Wind.
Eurydice- Orpheus's wife, who died from the bite of a serpent. Orpheus, disconsolate at her loss, determined to descend to the lower world and obtain permission for his beloved Eurydice to return to the regions of light. Armed only with his lyre, he entered the realms of Hades and gained an easy admittance to the palace of Hades. Orpheus was promised she should return on condition that he should not look back till she had reached the upper world. When the musician reached the confines of his journey, he turned his head to see if Eurydice were following, and she was instantly caught back again into Hades.
Eurylochus- One of the companions of Ulysses in his wanderings, and the only one of them who was not changed by Circe into a hog.
Eurystheus- King of Mycenæ, he was the cousin of Hercules. When Hercules was punished for his crime, he was sent by Hera to perform the ten labors for Eurystheus. Eurystheus was a weak man who despised Hercules, so he , with the help of Hera, tried to think of the hardest possible labors for him.
Euterpe- The Greek muse of music.
Evadne- Wife of Capaneus, and mother of Sthenelus. Her husband having been killed at the siege of Thebes, she threw herself upon the funeral pile and was consumed with him.
Eye of Horus- In Egyptian mythology, a symbol of trustworthiness and protection. See Horus.