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Jamshid- King of the genii, who owned a golden cup full of the elixir of life. This cup, hidden by the genii, was said to have been discovered by those who dug the foundations of Persepolis.
Janus- One of the superior gods of the Romans. The myths represent his as reigning over the earliest inhabitants of Italy, where he received Saturn driven from Crete by Jupiter. The two reigned in Italy throughout what was known later as the Golden Age. To Janus, Numa dedicated that celebrated temple, which was always open in time of war, and was closed with much solemnity whenever there was general peace in the Roman Empire, a thing which happened but three times during 700 years. From this deity the month of January was named, and the first day of each month was sacred to him. He was a god of beginnings, of doors, and perhaps, originally, of light. He was represented with two faces looking in opposite directions.
Jason- The son of Æson, king of Iolcus. Æson appointed his half brother Pelias as guardian to the young Jason, whom Pelias tried to get rid of by sending him to get the golden fleece. Enlisting a number of famous heroes in the quest, Jason set sail on the ship Argo from Iolcus and came to King Æetes in Colchis, who promised him the fleece if he would use certain fire-breathing bulls to plow a field. With the help of Medea, the daughter of Æetes, who fell in love with Jason and offered the use of her magic art, he overcame all obstacles and obtained the fleece. Medea fled with him. Later, angered by Jason’s intention to take a new wife, she accomplished his death and that of their two children.
Jinn or Genii- Fairies in Arabian mythology, the offspring of fire. They were governed by a race of kings named Suleyman, one of whom built the pyramids. Their chief abode is the mountain Kaf, and they appear to men under the forms of serpents, dogs, cats, monsters, or even human beings, and become invisible at pleasure. The evil jinn are ugly, but the good are beautiful. They were created from fire 2000 years before Adam lived.
Jizo- A Japanese Buddhist god. He is represented as a kindly priest, a protector of travelers, women, and children. His image is frequently placed at crossroads.
Jörd- Daughter of Night, wife of Odin, and mother of Thor.
Jove- A form of the name Jupiter.
Juggernaut or Jagannath- A Hindu god, worshipped in the town of Puri in Orissa. On festival days the throne of his image is placed on a sixty-foot tower on wheels, which is drawn through the streets. Devout worshipers are said to throw themselves in front of this car to be crushed.
Juno- The Roman goddess of women, who was identified with the Greek goddess Hera. As such she was the wife of Jupiter and queen of heaven. The amours of her husband gave her many occasions for jealousy which she often indulged with vindictive cruelty against his paramours.
Jupiter- The supreme god of the Romans, who was identified with the Greek god Zeus. Both were probably at first gods of light. As identified by poets with Zeus, he ruled over gods and men on his throne in Mount Olympus, but often came down to visit mortals and make love to mortal women. The Capitol at Rome was dedicated to him as guardian of the city. See Zeus.