Willow's Pagan Place
Samhain - Witches New Year - Oct. 31
Yule - Winter Solstice - Dec. 21
Imbolg - Candlemass - Feb. 2
Ostara - Spring Equinox - Mar. 21
Beltane - May Day - May 1
Mid-Summer - Summer Solstice - June 21
Lammas - Lughnassad - Aug. 2
Mabon - Fall Equinox - Sept. 21
Samhain - Oct. 31
Also Known as Halloween is the Wiccan New Year.
It is a time to remember your relatives, friends, and ancestors
who have passed on to the Summerland. On this night,
the veil between the world of the living and the world of
the dead is at its thinnest and the spirits of the dead walk
the Earth on this night.
Yule - Dec 21 - Dec 23
Yule is
the time when the Sun is reborn from the Mother
Goddess. Many of the traditional Christmas symbols have
their roots in this Pagan holiday. The Yule tree was an
ancient Druid spell to conjure back Spring. The Yule
Tide begins on Dec. 20 and ends twelve days later
on Dec. 31.
Candlemas - Feb. 2
This is
the first of the three Spring Sabbats. The Earth Mother
is beginning to wake from her winter sleep. The God is growing
stronger as the days get longer. The Candlemas Sabbat marks
the time to remember the Spring and to celebrate the things
that are yet to be born.
Ostara - Spring Equinox - Mar 21 - Mar 23
This is
a time of balance when light and dark are equal, with light
overcomming dark. The days are now longer than the nights.
It is not winter anymore, but not quite Spring.
Beltane - May 1
This is
the time when Spring has sprung. The leaves are returning
to the trees. It is traditional to do the maypole dance on
Beltane. This is when the Goddess makes love with the God.
The days are warmer now.
Litha - Summer Solstice June 21 - 23
The Sun
is at the height of his power and this is the
the longest day of the year. This Sabbat is traditionally
celebrated with bonfires. This is a time also to commune
with the little folk and faeries.
Lughnassad - Aug 2
This is
the first harvest holiday. First fruits are offered
to the Goddess and the God. The Sun King is beginning
to grow old as the days get shorter again.
Mabon - Fall Equinox - Sept. 21 - 23
This is
the second harvest holiday. It is a time to reap what
has been sown. The Sun King gets ready for his journey
to the Summerland where he dies on Samhain, yet to be
reborn on Yule.