"Bright Lights" artwork by Thomas Kinkade

Harbour Lights

"Light Of The Storm" by: Thomas Kinkade

Heaven Sent

You tiptoed into my dream,
Like sweet fragrance of spring,
You whispered sweet lullabies,
The songs that angels sing,
You gave yourself so freely,
Asking nothing in return,
You are the example,
A lesson for us to learn,
Your spirit roams the stars,
Like a comet in the sky,
You gave away the answers,
When we asked you to reply,
You opened up your heart,
And shared your gift of love,
To us you are not a woman,
But an angel from above,
I cannot put into words,
Just what you mean to me,
You are more close to heaven,
Than I could ever be,
So if you ever need a friend,
Just call and I'll be there,
You are awesome sweetheart,
My angel unaware.

By Tony Brooks
Dedicated to Funnybuny1

"Amber Afternoon" by: Thomas Kinkade

Slow down; God is still in heaven.
You are not responsible for doing it all...
yourself... right now.

Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past.
Rest there.
Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savor.

"Hometown Memories" by: Thomas Kinkade

Set your own pace.
When someone is pushing you,
it’s ok to tell them they’re pushing.

Take nothing for granted:
watch water flow,
the corn grow,
the leaves blow,
your neighbors mow.

"The Hidden Gazebo" by: Thomas Kinkade

Taste your food.
God gave it to delight as well as nourish.

Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set.
They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement,
not their speed.

"Sunday at Apple Hill" by: Thomas Kinkade

Quit planning how you’re going to use what you know,
learn or possess.
God’s gifts just are;
be grateful and their purpose will be clear.

When you walk with someone,
don’t think about what you’ll say next.
Thoughts will spring up naturally if you let them.

"Lamplight Lane" by: Thomas Kinkade

Talk and play with children.
It will bring out the unhurried little person inside you.

Create a place in your home...
at your work....
in your heart...
where you can go for quiet and recollection.
You deserve it.

"Lamplight Village" by: Thomas Kinkade

Allow yourself time to be lazy and unproductive.
Rest isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Listen to the wind blow.
it carries a message of yesterday and tomorrow...
and now...
Now counts.

Rest on your laurels.
They bring comfort whatever their size, age or condition.

Talk slower.
Talk less.
Don’t talk.
Communication isn’t measured by words.

"Simpler Times" by: Thomas Kinkade

Give yourself permission to be late sometimes.
Life is for living, not scheduling.

Listen to the song of a bird...
the complete song.
Music and nature are gifts,
but only if you are willing to receive them.

"End Of A Perfect Day" by: Thomas Kinkade

Take time to think.
Action is good and necessary,
but it’s fruitful only if we muse,
ponder and mull.

Make time for play...
the things you like to do.
Whatever your age, your inner child needs re-creation.

"Emerald Isle Cottage" by: Thomas Kinkade

Watch and listen to the night sky.
It speaks.

Listen to the words you speak... especially in prayer.

"Christmas at Ahwahnee" by: Thomas Kinkade

Learn to stand back and let others take their turn as leaders.
There will always be new opportunities for you to
step out in front again.

Divide big jobs into little jobs.
If God took six days to create the universe,
can you do any better?

"Beacon Of Hope" by: Thomas Kinkade

When you find yourself rushing and anxious, stop!
Ask yourself why you are rushing and anxious.
The reasons may improve your self-understanding.

Take time to read...
the Bible, poetry, great books.
Thoughtful reading is enriching reading.

"Victorian Christmas III" by: Thomas Kinkade

Direct your life with purposeful choices,
not with speed and efficiency.
The best musician is one who plays with expression
and meaning, not the one who finishes first.

Take a day off alone;
make a retreat.
You can learn from monks and hermits
without becoming one.

"Victorian Christmas II" by: Thomas Kinkade

Pet a furry friend.
You will give and get the gift of now.

Work with your hands.
It frees the mind.

"Stonehearth Hatch" by: Thomas Kinkade

Take time to wonder.
without wonder, life is merely existence.

Sit in the dark.
It will treat you to see and hear,
taste and smell.

"Silent Night" by: Thomas Kinkade

Once in awhile,
turn down the lights,
the throttle,
the invitations.
Less really can be more.

Let go.
Nothing is usually the hardest thing to do...
but often it is the best.

"Sunday Evening Sleigh Ride" by: Thomas Kinkade

Take a walk...
but don’t go anywhere.
If you walk just to get somewhere,
you sacrifice the walking.

When things are in chaos
and you are in a frenzy,
ask yourself:
“What is right about now?”
Chances are, you already know what is wrong.

"Moonlight Sleigh Ride" by: Thomas Kinkade

And slowly count your blessings
one at a time.

Author Unknown



Globepower Fine Art Galleries

Harbor Lights Midi sequenced byRedSal's Midi's

More of my pages
Funnybuny's Home Page Be Good To Yourself Awsumbuny's Crystal Lights
Seven Spanish Angels He Walks Beside Us Harbour Lights
Closer Walk With Thee The Pearls Mirror...Mirror...
Winged Spirits Happy Birthday Baby A Tribute to Life
Think Pink Funnybuny's Laugh In Awsumbuny's Heart
Wings of a Butterfly Runningbear Essence of Love
Fever Blessings Between the Dash
Go Beyond Baby Jesus It Takes a Child
Felt From The Heart Sunnyside Enchanted Moments
Special Love Time Awesome Angels
D'angelbuny's Page Diva Mecca Positively
Angels Dreaming Funnybuny's Angel Page Awsumbunys Home
Good Old Days Today I Will... Christmas Rose
God's Gifts Unopened Gifts Lost No More
The Warmth of Winter Water Into Wine The Warmth of Home
Romantic Day
RADIANT LIGHT GALLERIES LLC 9724 W. FOREST HOME AVE. HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 PHONE (414) 529-4243 OR (800) 550-4336 SOUTHRIDGE MALL 5300 S. 76TH STREET GREENDALE, WISCONSIN 53129 PHONE (414) 423-5474 http://www.thomas-kinkade.com/kinbio.html