The Art of Karen Siewak

Born Karen Siewak, and given the name of Walkssoftly, I am blessed with two handsome sons, Bo(18)and Izaak(24), my artwork has allowed me to be an at home mother. I also am a great animal lover, I have a beautiful white boxer, and three cats! Growing up in a small town of Geneseo, Illinois , I was always very in touch with my desire to create Native American Art. I had created art for many years, without the knowledge that I actually had the blood of the Lakota Nations running through my veins. My heart and soul would guide me, and my creations would take on a life of their own. As we take from Mother Earth, so shall we give back. My art forms are my way of giving back...


No two"LEATHERSPIRITS" are the same. Each piece of leather evolves into a creation that is both unique and beautiful. As leather varies in size, shape, and texture, so does the birth of a "LeatherSpirit". No two creations will ever be exactly the same. It is impossible, and a blessing! The "LeatherSpirits" are displayed proudly as a wall sculpture, and sometimes in basketry. Some are enveloped in unique twisting vines, others are presented on furs, and the circle of life.....All are most precious, and one of a kind. Each creation is numbered, and many will be the only one of it's kind, due to the difficulty in creating that particular piece.... All are signed and numbered by the artist, Detailed photos of each creation are available upon request.

~ "LEATHERSPIRITS" ~ Restless spirits of our forefather's roam the vast wastelands of Mother Earth. Cries of unrest echo painfully throughout the spiritworld,... Lost souls, seeking a final resting place among those who have passed before them, find solace in the artists soul, guiding her hands, as she lovingly shapes and forms the leather The search for Peace has ended, as leather and spirits ,"become one".....

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"Proud Warrior ©"

PROUD WARRIOR" Distant drums beat hauntingly throughout our land, calling out to our people, we are coming home. Thanks be to the Great Spirit,......We are coming home......
Original 27"x29" $1,500.00 Copies $800.00

"Born With Pride"©

Unto this land I emerged , with a coat of snow, and eyes the color of the sky... weak, and unaware... Upon this earth I roam, basking in the the wonders around me. The fire in the sky warms the blood running through my veins and winds of time gently caress me, as Mother Nature wraps me in her magnificence ! Nature's Great Spirit, has gifted me with a strength that dwells within my very soul, and a tranquility no man will ever know.....
Original:20"x29" $2,200.00 Copies: $800.00


Echo the spirits of our Mohawk Nations. Standing steady and proud,with bravery and strength, we fight for the honor of our land. Leave our people be...Let us save what is left of our pride.....
Original: approx..20"x20" $1,800.00 SOLD Copies $800.00


Let the pain end,....and the healing begin.......
Original 14"x18" $350.00 SOLD Copies; $250.00


Let the eyes of the Wolf, see you through the depths of dreams, chasing the bad dreams into the entangled web, and guiding the good dreams through the circle of life, raining peaceful sleep upon your soul.......
Original: 24"x33" $200.00 Copies: $100.00

A special Thank you David Lennon, "Lone Wolf", for photographing my artwork.

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