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Somewhat of a supervisory type parrot."Just because you've never seen a quester doesn't mean they aren't real!"-Claude

Welcome again to Quester's Picture Gallery. Being a Quester is my favorite persona, as you can attest to if you follow some of these pictures to their conclusion..

Of course one takes a chance showing the many sides to their personality, for there will always be those who will.... Well, let's drop that line of thought. Negative thinking multiplies. I use to be an active chatter in various chat-rooms across the net and even in a rather special newsgroup. Now I have little time for such pleasures. One must be careful for some of those chatrooms hold people who would like to "crank-down" your computer and have the technology to do it!!!

© 1998 mailto: beimers@hotmail.com">

These Are Some Of My Favorite Pictures.

Ah yes, a true quester must have a steed of steel. This one is my favorite questing-craft in my collection.Behind this picture is also a scarf lover. Scarves do something for questers. Not sure what, but something.

In a time long ago in a land fairly near where you are now, hairstyles and dress were, well some how different. Questers didn't need scarves... He could wear his own kiln made ceramic beads as a necklace. I confess. I'm guilty of playing with my clay!Behind this shot is one where I take my steel steed under the Golden Gate for the first time.

Then came a more formal time. Had to "clean-up" my act and attend a convention of poets in Las Vegas to read a poem that they had recognized as worthy of reading publicly.Behind this picture is what my steed looked like after a trip from San Francisco to San Deigo.

Where are the dragons today? They are nearby, I am sure.There are always those individuals in the world who are born happy and stay that way for the rest of their lives. I can truly say that I resemble that remark.

The years of cruising the West Coast was one of great adventure and exploring exciting cities. Behind this picture is one showing playing around off Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay. Sauselito for lunch would be delightful.

I lived with my Significant Other. We quested in earnest and sailed this steel cutter as cruisers for over nine full years. Three years were spent here where we learned to actually handle 19-25 knots of wind without making many mistakes.

The Rose of Jericho is a 39 foot giant of a sailboat I had built in the Columbia Valley just outside of Vancouver, B.C. Another three years were spent in San Diego Bay where we investigated the southern end of California and very little of Mexico. It was a good sailor's life. Each of us faced each other most days in our dining salon with two 256 Zenith laptops of very old vintage. In that time we managed to write more than five books between us. Truthfully, as sailors we were better behind our laptops than slicing through white caps on the high seas.


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